Soul arrow and bow booster are not working either, was not able to try anything else as I dced when trying to go into another map.
you probably have to update the game files, check if you have the most updated ones.
It's 1.2 Gb, so you will take a while to finish it on that speed.
I understand what you mean John, never the less, there's people who are too impulsive and just write the ban request, after a few hours, days or...
I agree with this, since a lot of people who have requested a perm ban regret doing it after a few months, they should be able to request or have...
I miss partying at dual ghost ships, like leoye123 said, those map were designed to have different characters on the platforms.
After Egging my humble HTP [IMG]
Thank you very much
Character Name: Mefc Last thing you did: Look for BF Why do you think you got banned?: Autoban system went crazy Ban message when attempting to...
Finally 170!!! [IMG]
The only one I liked is between orbis and vic cuz of the crog, the others are boring since there's not really much to do lol
It sold for 700mil
Sorry man, it was already sold.
It seems the first one was closed, yet there's a new store there already :( [IMG] That's why it should be punishable to do this kind of thing...
Yea this has happened to me today, I finally got a fm 1 spot and when I come back from class I found that. This is how the stores were when I...
Also This: [IMG] Those stores should be closed since they won't allow the person who opened the first store to re set their store once the 24...
You mean this: [MEDIA]
I'm trying to buy a red mantle, please tell my your offers or whisp me in game: Mefc
I'm selling a 4 dex 120 att dark nisrock [IMG] No C/O. You can whisp me in game, or make offers here as well, my IGN is Mefc.
That seems a bit too strict, is like saying I will ban the whole range of IP addresses because someone hacked once on one of those IPs even tho...
Soggy, we'll miss you :(
I thought I had updated all of the files, thanks for the help.
Each time I try to fight it I dc, specifically when I am getting close to it, when the HP bar is supposed to appear, is there anything I can do?...
Why not add the chaos scrolls as normal drops as it was originally in the game? the prices are kinda ridiculous as they are right now.
if you are using Windows 8.1, set compatibility of the client to Windows me, that did the trick for me
Separate names with a comma.