Sorry, I just purchased one recently but good luck with your sale!
Hello, is this still for sale?
[ATTACH] SB: 2B/ 4cs/ 4ws CO: - AW: Sold @ 2.7B Selling 24 hrs after last uncontested bid. CS/WS preferred
I have a few options I can sell you, or if you're looking to buy more than one I can sell you a few too. Add me in game to talk further, IGN:...
I'd like to S/b the shield, I will need a bit of time to liquidate some stuff though
Would you consider an offer of 1.6b on the Battle lord?
What are your jump and attack keys bound to? It sounds like you might be inputting a shortcut without knowing.
I think the easiest place to add it - if it does - would be to throw it into Sleepywood Gacha with the other novelty equips it has.
Maybe one of the rarest items from Hene gach? Out of a 2.1k ticket run, I got exactly 1 Xaru :o Location: Henesys Item(s) to be added: Akha, Xaru...
[IMG] Looking to buy a Xaru crossbow from Hene Gach for a for-fun character. Stats don't matter to me. Lmk the price you're looking for, PMing me...
Inside of Dunas V2 Boss Raid
[ATTACH] Tried to join Dunas V2 and was met with this message. I haven't done Dunas V2 since 2020 and I've only ran it once ever so it's...
The quest helper window says "rate +5#" where its title should be [ATTACH]
[MEDIA] The guide is a bit dated, and it isn't updated anymore so prices aren't accurate but you can still use it to identify worthwhile equips.
[ATTACH] Sold @ 1.5B in store
Sorry mainly looking for straight mesos at the moment. Noted
Selling Janus Sword I won from a Summer 2020 Russian Roulette Event. [ATTACH] A/W'd 13B by Sirgirre Prefer B Coins but will accept WS/CS @ 500m...
Separate names with a comma.