Wait nvm I'll take back the offer, no longer buying for now. I need the mesos :pepez:
15scg + 5b :pepeboba:
+Bump , selling the 35int red starlight by this week. S/b - 1b
Hi Duble, would you like to s/b 1.2b instead, I'll be selling next week ~in 5 days (the overall will also be in store, so gotta be quick)
I added you to my friends list, my ign is PlayerAI
Yoo Nice, when servers are back up imma hop on in about 30mins to an hour
600m will do :pepeboba: that's the lowest I'd sell for
Gotcha, list updated
Hello I have a 31tma one if you're interested
Red Starlight (M) - 35tma SOLD [IMG] --- Rest below this line are all SOLD --- Elemental Wand 5 - 199tma SOLD [IMG] Maple shield - 29tma SOLD...
I got a 7wa 11str taru spirit cape if you'd want. It's combined str+wa equivalent of 9wa+
Hey there still selling?
Nice, I'll s/b 2.3b :pepeboba:
Nice is the 3b for s/b or a/w
tma 31 FKC still available for sale?
Red Marker + Starlight still available for sale?
tma 41 EP still available?
Thank you Gewn for helping with the mw20 service :pepeking: fast and reliable, great service and I highly recommend!
I'll buy a MW20 service :) I've added you in bl for FriendlyBS, but you may oso pm my other chars in game or PM me on forums Igns: Retsauna,...
5.72b (Able to pay in CS/WS). You can PM me here on forums if im not online in game. Igns: Retsauna, Retsuna, FriendlyBS
Okay thanks will pm later when i am home from work (in 10hrs+):pepeboba:
2h sword please! I am free to login now, currently for 2 days will be logging in at this time for 3hrs and will logoff. Day 3 to weekends I can...
Okay nice I'll buy :)
Separate names with a comma.