Anvil is impossible, sure. But adding an NPC or w/e that serves the same purpose definitely isn't. Multiple servers have done it in the past.
I think this change would ruin the islander meta that I know and love. I love being an islander and this would completely ruin the whole concept...
I don't think GMS is a very good example. The game has been up for what, 10 years? A game needs to progress to stay alive for that long. So...
As tough as it is might be for Matt/karven to admit. The best option moving forward is without a doubt to rollback to the old source, if...
From what I have heard it isn't possible/is very difficult to implement this change using the v83 client. Could be wrong but I'm going to go ahead...
It's probably worth putting points into. It won't be a very good skill though.
The amount of votes for royals has plummeted since the new source was released.
You are very very wrong. Just so you know.
Pretty sure he's referring to the new source as a whole.
pgc and yac were a/wed. Red emerald earrings were sold for c/o.
There is no c/o on the 11 atk pgc anymore. A/w has been lowered.
Yes, c/o is current 3.8b.
if @Blaund is still interested, c/o on the 11 atk pgc is 2.8b now. (mb for spamming)
Someone who would like to stay anonymous has offered 8b on the scg and 3.8b on the fs.
Alright I'm logging off. If you are going to get on and are c/o, pm me. I'll try to get on as soon as I see it.
rac mask, shield, 15 atk pgc and bathrobe have been sold. Ill be on for a little bit longer.
I'm online right now. If you are the c/o trade me. Fm ch6 IAmCanadian.
Ill be logging on to sell all this stuff in about 5 hours.
Trading is apparently fixed. I'll be selling all of the items with c/os later today. If you would like to offer on something do it soon.
Any item that has a c/o currently will be sold when trading is enabled. I prefer ws/cs over meso but meso is fine as well.
Separate names with a comma.