B> neckerchief blue black and white Pm me in game : Kimin (Pmed u but u afk )
Of course, your beginner.. i mean pally should be here from the start uwu @CCooper
I have this bugg randomly ( one time normal,can door but other time will stucked,door broken and cant click npc which need to relogin) ever since...
Not sure anyone have this but my bishop ,ever since cny patch until now, will often have bug in shao map. Cannot door and enter map ( already...
I opened 3 clients (hero,nl and bucc) doing zak in c12 When b3 was down and my hero suicided ,she got dced straight to login page as well as my NL...
Really like your ideas about apq ^^ nice guide
I got the same problem today. 3 times ,lagging and then i was back to login screen "cannot connect to server" ....
Gratz kaidoob :> <3
I got this issue today. Dced twice in boss stage CWK and in shao. All clients opended are dced str8 to login with announce "unable to connect to...
Rich momo
Rich f6
Buying 100 stack :) still in stock?
Pm or add me in game: ign Kimin
Pm me ingame: Kimin
Rich auditor ~f18~f18
Is the warr bot still available? I'd like to buy :) pm me ign: Kimin
I want to be there with you Sharing everything you do.
As mentioned in title... Pm: Kimin
6b coin 20 apples Ign: Kimin
Just to be clear that, Im not that person who accusing people for nothing which i dont have the time to do that shit and im not getting any...
the participation only counted in the 3rd body and try to "cuddle" or stay in the middle of the snowman will preventing u from being knockback to...
IGN: Stryn APQ apples stealer If anyone in apq party with this dude, please be extra be careful or just find another pt if u could He has been...
Yes!! Same thing happends when some ppl recruiting for apq. Smega for members and then ignoring my whisper even tho i am up to their demands ==...
I totally agreed with the smoking thing. I used to have a bf that need to smoke like every 15-20 min. Really annoying, cuz at the beginning or the...
for 2b coins and 20 apples :< ign: Kimin whisp or add me.
Separate names with a comma.