Selling 102 attack King Cent 650m FM 4-1 Peace :)
I am able to play. Thanks!
Thank you! Did as instructed but just like many other players, I already reset my password and PIN before the unban and now get the "too many...
Hi! Sorry for bumping my thread in the ban appeal section, I've heard you're not really supposed to do that but since my account is still banned...
ALL Your Character Names: Essensce, other chars are unimportant low levels which I don't remember the names of Last thing you did: haven't played...
Hi! Is there an option to download MapleRoyals folder, like in .zip or .rar format for example so those who for whatever reason can't install...
Getting banned from forum chatbox for saying that the GMs have a god complex.
Did you actually try doing the quest solo? Wasn't actually that hard. Focus the Crimson Balrogs and don't let them touch Tylus. That's the only...
Hi. So I have a weird problem. One of my macros is stuck as it is and wont let me save any changes. They just disappear when I change...
Post or PM me offers in forums or in game. Will probably give these away a lot cheaper than they're really worth since selling shit annoys me. I...
Very welcoming guild leader. I'm happy I joined.
you know it /w Essensce or post here.
200m contact skyborne in game
Scrolls sold for a total of 110m.
Make a cheap yet reasonable offer and it's probably yours. Contact me in game (Skyborne) or post to this thread. Happy Mapl'ing. Pictures of...
I see that your thread has a "Not Recruiting" marking but I thought I'd try my luck anyway since I've wanted to join this guild for a long time...
I know nothing about prices. Make your offer and I'll see if it's fine for me. Will probably give them away cheap but please don't rip me off....
Added the Etc file. Anything else?
Sup. Character Name: Essensce Last thing you did: Climbed on a christmas tree Why do you think you got banned?: Couldn't be bothered to update...
Added a few items. Come one, come all - don't be afraid to offer.
I have to make some room for my stuff. You can leave me offers here or message me in game "Essensce". I haven't set any prices but I will probably...
Hello! I'm here to file an application to join the guild. Hope you guys have room for one :) Name: Henry In game name: Essensce Level: Currently...
Separate names with a comma.