Hi, I am making this post because a party member who was the buyer in an Horntail run was resurrected, was able to use items, feed her pet etc. as...
Hi MapleRoyals, I am interested in buying a 10 or 11 INT White Raccoon Mask, and I am looking for your offers. Please PM in game (IGN: polyaxian)...
Thank you for the quick replies, Sen. You can go ahead and close this issue. I understand sometimes there are difficulties in maintaining a server...
But, the issue I created here is because I already did complete four turn-ins (I completed 13). I guess that leaves me wondering why mine was...
I don't understand what it means when you say that not everyone was meant to be reset to 4. Only some people were reset to 4 and others were reset...
Sen, thank you for your reply. If I understand correctly, you are saying that the reset to 0 instead of 4 was a mistake on your end and that we...
IGN: polyaxian Problem: Plump pumpkin box count reset to 0 instead of 4 Details: The announcement for the optional patch said that the count of...
The announcement said that it should be reset to 4. So you should at least get that. I experienced the same thing.
Item was sold to the highest bidder.
This item is no longer available.
Hi, I am selling this 74 attack 17 luk Red Craven. c/o: 900m 800m + 40 apples a/w: 1.2b You can find it for the a/w price in my store at FM 7...
I have this 184 TMA (16 INT) Elemental Wand 5 for sale. s/b 1.2b a/w 1.5b IGN: polyaxian You can find it in my store for the a/w price at FM 7...
This item is still available for sale. Please leave your offers here or find me in game. Thank you!
Hello everyone, I have a 176 TMA Elemental Wand 5 with two remaining upgrades available for sale. Please leave your offers here or feel free to PM...
Is this still available? If so, I can offer the s/b. I bought same TMA for wand 5 already.
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