His character was jumping for like 4 hrs in FM, while he's afking, many people tried to make him respond and he was reported mutiple times....
I think even if he takes your NX item without paying, he will not be banned.^_^' the person who took my gen20 without paying with all proofs (all...
I really have tried to read all of the post, I know how to wash a mage. but it seems that there're two ways to wash NL? base int 140, 200, 300...
item(1)[190Wand5] Potential 190 TMA Wand5 (with 4x event scrolls, it's 3b for the wand, or you can risk scrolling it again) s/b 2.1b aw 2.2b...
Still buying
17 Int +172 Magic S.b 2.3 AW 2.5 Leave offer or Contact in-game YourSanta SOLD
Still Buying
Selling still
Bumping Still buying
Contact: YourSanta in-game or leave a message here Winner's Podium Effect:(SOld in game) (bought in-game but not a fan of it in the end, decided...
I'm asking if the buyer only needs/wants 'Yellow Ragged' . is any other colour good for him too? for example Old Ragged, Red Ragged
Sorry, have a budget of 4b coin for those. Thanks , not much seller here for these two items tho
does it have to be yellow coloured ? (i dont have it, im just asking)
3 Str 3 Dex 1 Int No slots thanks for the help!
Thanks for reading so carefully LOL Please play more of those language gaming, people will see more clearly of what you are. I do try to...
how can merching smega carry racist info? And if it’s something else could you remind of what I said in smega? Did you report the ‘racist’ smega...
I said, ‘temple’ has been smegaed for sexual harassment, be careful. I didn’t say it in a confirmative form I didn’t mention anything underage, I...
So ask vivibishop, I didn't take the screenshot with the money, it was just for record of myself, didn't even think it became drama, that's how it...
Separate names with a comma.