shishui is that you? free bump haha! nah!
Damn.. so apart from Krex.. (which Shad could maybe outdps if 50k bags??? who knows) Are there even any major boss that Corsair could white...
If let's say we rule out ME, would the result be drastic? ^_^'
Hey thanks JJ, definitely! Just what I need, especially if you're selling them daily I'll visit the thread! P.S. Damn you look too ripped and...
I'm surprised the poll would remain to be so close. Guess ME is really nice How bout other bosses such as Toad? Since Zak/HT higher % it'll...
cb bump
I got a 109 wa here (successed a 10% on it, remaining slots untouched) I could let it go cheap
Hello Larry, welcome to the best maple pserver there is. 欢迎你!
4.3 at fs you mean you're accept WS/CS as 500m or you're selling em?
2b bump
Yo draw me, it's on my profile photo! I look sick! That's my favourite look no matter what server I go to for my ice lightning mage! Bazzzzzzzz...
Obviously the person would want to know the answer hence he made the post and people that commented so people DO care. Handful of them infact. If...
Shad is leading the vote! Wowza edit: oh boy it's tied now! Guys drop your input! SHAD+SPEED BOMB vs. CORSAIR SHIP PEWPEW 369 oh shit the...
I love to pay you guys to leech me, work your ass off so I can get my level haha suckers! I'm in a D3-esqe bball team but it's for working adults...
Hey guys so I played Royals couple of years ago but then I got personal stuff to attend to so I stopped playing. This year because of Covid I've...
Interesting, so even with bombing A good sair could white a shadower in theory yes? Let's say apart from Zak/HT
How bout apart from bosses like Zak/HT? :confused::confused::confused:
Was having a discussion with a friend but we didn't know how to do the numbers. Was wondering let's say for Shaolin, who would be able to do more...
Separate names with a comma.