Hi, I want to a/w the 17SCG if it's still available.
happy lunar new year! [MEDIA]
Hi! I want to a/w the 15 BFC :)
same problem here [:3] [MEDIA]
[IMG] TY Cody & Gewn! decent service and nice guide0:)
列出你所有的角色名稱(IGN):ochuun (70 FP), valleyhi (122 DK), pitchfork (147 SD) 你希望加入的角色名稱(IGN):pitchfork 加入過的公會歷史以及離開的原因:versatile & tenacity, 工作後繁忙便自行退出...
Very nice service and kind guide :D 10/10 recommend for Bougie books service! Don't believe the probability of pass rate.~f4 [ATTACH]
Chao on NL PALADIN BUCC and I drink tea in fm
Useful skele leech tips before optimizing rotation. 1. Tomanha's speed potion (+40speed & 20jump) 2. HB mule (for efficient potion cost) 3. Set...
Free bump for tame impala album cover!
Lichette, may RNG god bless my next package craft then I can sell you first.:sammyhey:
Auction ended, it was sold to @extincter. Tread closed. Thank you all :D
@Lichette Noted, auction ends in 24hrs if no other bids.
[ATTACH] As title. :D s/b: 9B a/w: 11B sold to @extincter contact me in game or DM through forum thx in advance accepting following items...
[MEDIA] https://discord.com/invite/MzVfDU5PTP
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/m1-macbook-air-crossover-x-mapleroyals-tutorial.212415/#post-1265060 It's also available to run Mapleroyals on...
96KCs all in one sell for 115m, If buy in other number 1.3m each [ATTACH]
Hi! 2B will be the best. :D If pay with 4cs/ws, I will return back 80m meso for you.
Separate names with a comma.