:'( miss u 2
IGN: KouijinHero Title/Concept: Can't catch'em all... Attached Screenshot: [IMG]
Why does Grandma needs pie crust and flour to make the pie? What is she going to do with the flour if you give her a pie crust? F L O U R P I E...
Accepted :) Welcome to Imperial! Please contact myself, xteanuhs or another Jr. to join!
Accepted! Hopefully we can change your "no friends" situation :P Welcome to Imperial! Please contact myself, xteanuhs or any of the other Jrs. to...
Accepted! Welcome to Imperial! Please contact xteanuhs, myself or one of the other Jrs. to join :D
Approved! Welcome to Imperial :) Please contact xteanuhs, myself or one of the other Jrs. to join!
Approved! Welcome to Imperial! Please contact one of the Jrs, myself or xteanuhs to be added!
Approved! Welcome to Imperial, Tufan! Please contact myself, xteanuhs or any of the other Jrs. to be added :D
Thanks Evans ! :D Hope you start playing with us again more often :'(
[IMG] Birthday White scrolling my ST 2/7 6 :D (2/15 14 total) Woo!
[IMG] 0/8 into 2/15 14 on my birthday :D hype!
Accepted :) Welcome to Imperial! Please contact xteanuhs, myself or one of the other Jr. Masters to join.
We have defeated the mexican rebellion, but no one ever truly wins in war. :'( Good bye our Peruvian friends, gone but never forgotten.
Accepted! Welcome to Imperial :D! Please contact myself, xteanuhs or one of the other Junior Masters to be added.
720 on 28tma shield
Thanks for the assisted solo
O ya i also hit 170 lel. :D
smh ^ these scrubs. Got whited HARD for the 1st time by @Kobato. Last zak with him since for awhile he'll be gone (rip :'(), only fuels my goals...
Haha, accepted! Welcome to Imperial, Jeffrey!
Approved! Welcome to Imperial Austin! Contact one of our Leaders/Jr leaders to be added.
Rip Itu 2015-2015 :'(
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