2-3 mins way too long, i'd do for a minute max. each run takes about 10-15 mintes which is stupid.
Hello, please see pictures for the completed LHC timer ledger vs the completed boss ledgers. Currently - the completed boss is filled out 2/2 or...
excited for I/L changes PLS :D 7 hours solo zak incoming ty staff
Thanks devs and GMs for chiming in and being open minded to the feedback. I think 80% makes a lot more sense (nearly impossible for a scrappy 3 AM...
No it’s blizz/gen/meteor
here are the results for first run after update for anyone who cares. party comp attached (2 i/l, 1 fp, 3 att) [ATTACH] started off at 20, ended...
this is true, but all the parties (due to lack of interest for deers) my recently team comp are low level/single target classes, + a f/p trying...
Due to lack of interests in deer parties, I usually party w/ other casual I/l + bishops/sins/MM/BM/lower level, basically whatever I can get to...
Hello, I am a non-farming casual Ice/Lightning mage. It was already hard recruiting for LHC reindeers to begin with (usually takes me an hour or...
Short and simple. I'd like to kindly request a buff in damage for chain lighting (100% instead of 60%) and get rid of its decreasing damage as...
add me discord Loke#5249, we are in diff time zones
added you to bl
Done, I won’t be free until tomorrow. What’s your IGN?
let me see if i can get his 45int.
I’m good thank you
How much more are you looking for? kind of hard if you’re not giving me an idea of what you want. last Perfect 50int went for around 21b. 20att...
@MrOolong i have a 20bwg to trade
@MrOolong whats the price tag on it? I’ll have to see depending on price since it’s a lower priority for me
INT ROAs 30+ matt glove 22+ int cape 30+ int robe Listed top priority to lowest
1.1b 34matt leaf earring
Count me in papa Pablo. will see you online.
added on disc and in game
Want to buy INT ROA but need to know the value of these first, thanks! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Fuzzy, sorry but i found a higher matt jsut now. not interested in this anymore. good luck!
s/b 400 lmk
Separate names with a comma.