yes :chillin:
bump :pepez:
[ATTACH] C/O 3.4B ingame A/W 4B Accept ~cs @470m ~ws @470m ~bcoin Bidding ends 16.12 8pm Severtime
bump for pro
150m free hug
rich ugene
20 STR EP sold to @KittehIshMad for 6B
bump :chillin:
thank you and noted Bidding will end 48 Hours from now if no other bids
[ATTACH] S/B 6 B @KittehIshMad A/W 7B Accept ~ws 500M ~cs 500M ~bcoin Bcoin
rich af
sadpepenoises :'(
rich ~f11
bump :chillin: will sell in 24 hours if no further bids
updated s/b & a/w :pepemad:
[ATTACH] S/B: 2.5B C/O: 2.55 @lidor2 A/W: 3B Accepting: [IMG] White Scroll @ 500m [IMG] Chaos Scroll @ 500m [IMG] Billion Mesos Coin
rich kevin
Separate names with a comma.