Hi there, I’m sorry for the delay in reaching out. I’ve been on summer vacation with my wife, and I didn’t want to focus on this while I was on...
ALL Your Character Names: ItaiDK, ItaiBucc, ItaiShad, Jeujunova, Coronaattack Last thing you did: AFK on FM and last activity was CWK Why do you...
As Title, 2Str 4Dex Spec's Accept 3- WS/CS | Messos - 1.3B [ATTACH]
Saw other thread need to be lv 138 , closing
Hi there, After I killed Ani, I didnt spoke with the NPC inside (mind busy from mules), now I dont have quest. IGN : Itaibucc you can check my...
Sky sold to Reynor
Hi all, After reaching lvl 200 its time to move to another one <3 Selling 139/21 Sky ski Price : 45B - Sold to @Reynor Accepting Messos or...
So proooooooooo
Sold in game 4.5B to MalaHotpotz
As Title S/B -4.5B A/w 5.5B Accepting Bcoin and no Downgrades. [ATTACH]
Got Perfect Sky , Can sell you my 122 Pyrope
Still available ?
Where are you Perfect Skyyyy
Help me find 139 Sky Ski and i'll sell you my 122/21 Pyrope spear <3
Cape sold to konayuki A/W , payed in game
Accept trade 17/2 BFC for 19 BFC ?
S/B noted For now,few more days. you can add my IGN : ItaiDK
S/B Changed to 30b
closing post , bfc scrolled and now 17/2
As the title, Looking for Perfect Sky Ski <3 104 - Clean 139 - Scrolled have cash ready
Separate names with a comma.