welcome to community blacklist [:D]
don't bother, I tried everything and my Mac mini M4 launched like 5/100 attempts with crossover. I gave up and remote to my PC to play. [SPOILER]
Thanks, quite informative 它说我的账户有可疑活动,需要我的护照或中国银行卡才能验证支付宝账户 -> 然后淘宝会解锁我的账户。我试过用护照,但支付宝拒绝用护照验证我的账户,现在它只要求中国大陆银行卡,我甚至不知道下一步该怎么做。
IGN(s): NerZu Category: Creative Recipient(s): Heep Concept of card (optional): A picture is worth a thousand words, so let this Valentine’s be an...
[IMG] wanna sell?
Who else hate this guy?
ChadThunderC... that wasn't a girl...
大家好,我不是中国人,但我经常在淘宝购物。今天我发现我的账号好像被封了,我已经尝试了很多方法,但到目前为止都没有效果。如果你有空并且了解淘宝的话,请指导我如何解决这个问题,非常感谢! 我会说英语,我们可以在你喜欢的平台上交流。
Same to you happy LNY
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Acc req = min Acc you should get Acc goal = Acc to 100% hit
rest well my 10b :PBLove:
Behold :PBLove: [ATTACH]
Just bring Dave back on, He's not the hero we deserve, but the one we need.
I assume you're informing us as a Staff. so we only do he said she said here? Can I do he said she said in Haiku form here or is it gonna be...
Jesus! you got me, I thought I quote wrong person, Blacklist Haiku Club.
Separate names with a comma.