I never did make an Introduction prior so I figured I might as well make one now that I've been on the fence on returning from a loooong stop from...
Off topic but this must be said: [SPOILER]
Currently I'm having a problem with the forum Shoutbox, wherein it's not loading when I first come to the page, displaying "0 in chat" and blank...
I think that's just maple being maple, sometimes when you need to turn in quest related items they aren't removed from your inventory after doing...
My first chaos scroll ever results in this: [spoiler] Not sure I want to ever use another one again.
For the record don't bother with using TP Rocks down there, there are daily quests that reward you with Eos Rock scrolls in Eos Tower itself so go...
Hope that your stay at MapleRoyals will prove to be a fun an enjoyable one! 0u0
Howdy and welcome to Royals then, you're going to breach 40 very quickly let me tell you that much! :P There'll be plenty to do so I hope you'll...
With regards to HP washing, I hope I can explain it to you here: (Spoiler'd for size) [spoiler] Or go here for a better explanation:...
Some other tidbits about Crossbow people: Iron Arrow flies straight through everything, including walls. It's a completely level shot for better...
Doshi has been expelled from the guild for being perma banned. On the brighter side we'd like to welcome Umang, Nessa, Edward, Isabella, Diana and...
Welcome: Oddchild Awaiting reply: Dupreeh Edit: Dupreeh has been denied.
Notes: Wordplay has left the guild as he wanted to join another guild with friends Denied: Oddchild
Name: Golf Age: 18 IGN: Yappy Previous Guilds: OMFGCookies, OathKeepers. Reason for leaving was that everyone in the guild and alliance just...
Crypt of the Necrodancer has taken me by force with it's epic soundtrack and being harsh but fair, and Dungeon of the Endless has won me over with...
Okie time to make a Pallydin. Krim, we must venture forth to find our missing chocolate!
Round Ground - C-Clays [MEDIA] Touhou is Lyfe. 0u0
My favourite pokemon would have to be Mawile I think! [IMG] Second favourite is taken by the rascal as my profile picture. (That Flygon though...
You could try killing Jars at Herb Town then move to the Ginseng in the next maps! That's where I found grinding to be alright. There aren't any...
That applies to the Freezer Egg too, I wasn't sure if it was needed or not though. ^_^'
Plenty, I think you're missing a step for unlocking Snipe for Marksman where the Insignificant Being tells you to get 50 dark orb drops from...
Orbis Rock Scrolls for lyfe~ I was so glad I decided to go to the Huckle Daily prior a bunch when I found out about this quest. XP
Can't confirm that, but I can pop over to them to see if you'd like. Edit: Well haven't found Rapid Fire 20 yet but I did get a Bow Expert 20...
I managed to get a Rapid Fire 30 from Sharks, so I suppose that should be added too?
Separate names with a comma.