Sorry, I was just checking the forum. is Sunday still works for you?
Can we meet on 16:00 PM - February 9th? Server time. What is your IGN?
I am interested buying it. I will be available on Sunday. What time are you available on server time?
Hello, is bfc still available?
s/b please!
Thank you for the information! I asked him to pm you in the game for the leech service.
Hey, quick question for you. I have a friend who is working on Pirate and his HP is only like 700. Is this possible with HB? Or do you have some...
닉네임 : ZizonStar 레벨 : 134 직업 : NL 국적 : Korean 거주 국가 : Canada 주로 접속하는 시간 (캐릭터 길드 추가를 위해) : Mountain Time - 5:00-10:00 PM 사이 / 주말 Flexible 카카오톡 길드...
Just got the service and it was amazing experience. Very professional and friendly & all the buffs are ready. I booked the service in advance and...
Hello! I pmed you in the game but I think you were afk. Just confirming with my booking time. Saturday 15:00 server time for 30-67 service please...
Thank you for the booking! I will whisper to WhiteChaos. For 30-67 how long usually take? Due to magic guard, I cannot be afk right? I have a...
Sounds good, are you available this Saturday or Sunday around 15:00 ~ server time or Monday around 5:30 as well? I am interested in 30-67! Thank...
I am interested in your service. I am currently lv 31 mage - is there minimum hp requirement?
Separate names with a comma.