Selling 12 dex 12 str specs
Dont know if its still relevent. but i just scrolled 12str/12dex
CSd it: link to the new thread: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-12-12-specs.240872/
S> This s/b 14b a/w 17b Accept B coins | cs/ws as 470m [ATTACH] Ign: MakimaSan
[IMG] S/B 4B A/W 6B Whisper In-game | Ign: MakimaSan
C/o 8.5b a/w 11b Accept offers. IGN: MakimaSan
sold for 8 cs + 300m
I sell 120att with 4 slots, (140 potential) 4.5B
I sell 120/4 if Interested
Okay thanks for the clarification, sorry about that. 3 days off the game is probably for the best anyways.
I did Horntail the other day, with someone that did it for the first time. He asked what's the best drops from HT, and as a joke I answered "Power...
All Your Character Names: HedefThekid, MakimaSan , Maksima Last thing you did: CWK with friends Why do you think you got banned?: I don't really...
4.5b Straight / 10 ws ~ pm makimasan
S> Kanzir 120/4 S/B 4.5b ~ A/W 6B ( acceot ws/cs, b coins) or trade for King Cent 99/4 pm IGN ~ MakimaSan [ATTACH]
c/o 4.5b a/w 5b Pmo IGN: MakimaSan
Separate names with a comma.