✯ HOLLYWOOD Presents: A Comprehensive Guide to Guild Party Quest (GPQ)

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Christopher Chance, May 23, 2015.

  1. Christopher Chance

    Christopher Chance Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2014
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    Guild Party Quest (or GPQ for short) is like any other Party Quests where you team up together and get through a series of stages that leads up to a final boss and a bonus round, only limited to members of a same Guild. While usual Party Quests are done for Good EXP or rewards from Bonus Rounds, GPQs are usually done as a fun-activity, challenge, as well as to gain Guild Points (GP).

    The Top 50 Guilds with the highest GP are featured on the Guild Rank Board found at the GPQ Area, as well as the Honorable Rock(s) that can be found in Perion, Orbis, El Nath, Leafre and Ariant.

    A minimum of 6 Players of the same Guild are required in order to enter. If at any point of time during the Party Quest the number of participants falls below 6, the quest fails and everyone will be warped out automatically.

    Also, due to the way certain stages are made to be, there are additional requirements of the following:

    - A Thief that has Dark Sight and maxed Haste (Flash Jump would be a bonus!)
    - A Magician that has at least Level 17 Teleport
    - A Ranged Character (or a 4th Job Magician with Blizzard, Meteor or Genesis)
    - A Level 10 - 30 Character (preferably Level 20 at least as it has to kill some monsters at a certain stage)
    - An Attacker capable of surviving and killing the Final Boss

    Everyone participating in the GPQ have to make their way to the Excavation Site <Camp> which can be located towards the East of Perion.

    Take the following portal from Perion, followed by going Right till Rocky Road III and taking the top portal. The Camp can be found 3 maps into the Excavation Site.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Mystic Door works as well if you have a Priest or Bishop within the Guild who's joining the PQ.

    Either the Guild Master or one of the Jr. Master(s) has to chat with NPC Shuang in order to start the PQ.
    *Whoever begins the GPQ will be the General Leader of the Party Quest and has to be the one that interacts with the NPCs of the respective stages.
    This means if a Jr. Master starts the GPQ while the Guild Master is present as well, only the Jr. Master can clear the different stages.

    A notice will then appear to everyone in Guild as follows,

    Members would have to click on NPC Shuang and select the 2nd option as shown below to enter:

    There should be 3 minutes of waiting time before the portal closes and begins the Guild Quest, however in Royals the portal opens within a minute.
    If there aren't 6 members in the waiting area within the minute (at 2:00 timer), everybody will get warped out to the Exit.

    The GPQ starts as soon as "The quest has begun." notice appears. Proceed by entering the blue portal.


    Upon entering the first map, you would notice purple rocks around the area. The first and most important thing to do would be to hit one of these rocks and obtain a pair of Protector Rock earrings. These earrings are to be worn at all times throughout the GPQ as they keep you alive. You WILL die if you proceed into the Castle without wearing an earring.

    There are more purple rocks to get earrings from at the second map, and it is still safe to enter into the second map without wearing an earring.
    Just be sure to have the earrings worn before going into the next portal here



    *When you die, you will be transported back to the first map before Stage 1 and you are able to walk back to wherever your Guild's current progress is at. You WILL lose EXP (or a Charm if you had one) if you die within the GPQ Area.

    Also that Returning Rock NPC you see in the above image, which can be found in every other Stage, allows you to forfeit the Party Quest and leave at anytime - if ever needed

    In this Stage, you will see 20 Statues positioned across a pretty wide map.
    The objective of this stage would be to memorize the order in which any of the 20 statues may light up in, over 3 rounds.

    Round 1 will have 4 Statues light up at random
    Round 2 will have 5 Statues light up at random
    Round 3 will have 6 statues light up at random

    You will have to restart the entire Stage if you fail to get the correct sequence for any of the Rounds.

    In each round, you would have to wait for the respective statues to light up first until you get the following notice,
    Once the notice has been displayed, you would have to hit (using normal attack only) the statues in the exact order they lit up during that particular round.
    The leader will have to click on the Gatekeeper NPC to start, and once more to clear each round after the required statues have been hit.

    Since there are 20 different statues that can light up and the map is too big to be seen entirely within one screen, at least 2 players are required to actively look out for Statues that light up each round.

    The First player will stand at the left side, having 11 statues in sight as follows

    while the Second player stands over at the right side, having 9 statues in sight as follows

    The markings seen above are meant to help you remember the order in which the statues light up. t represents Statues that are found at the top layer, similarly m stands for middle layer and b for bottom later. c is used to represent the statue at the middle (seen by the person on the right side).

    For Example, this would be m2

    You would first wait for this notice to let you know the Statues are about to start lighting up (This happens as soon as the leader clicks on NPC Gatekeeper)
    You should type out as and when you see a statue light up. Those who aren't participating should wait patiently at the Gate beside NPC Gatekeeper so that the chatbox would not be disruptive for those concentrating on getting the order right.

    Once the statues have lit up, the 2 players will go about hitting the Statues in the same order they have called out previously.
    Usually after hitting the Statue you should indicate to the other member that you have done so by saying '(x)d' where x refers to the order of the statues.

    An example of how the chatbox would look like throughout the First Round would be as follows:

    Person A: t1
    Person A: m2
    Person B: b1
    Person A: t2
    Person A: 12d
    Person B: 3d
    Person A: 4d

    Same goes for Round 2, except 1 additional statue (5th) will light up and upon completion, another notice will display to show progress
    Stage 1 will be cleared when all 3 rounds have been completed successfully

    15 GP is awarded for completion of this Stage

    It is actually possible to solo Stage 1 if you dual-client and strategically place your windows side by side. If your windows overlap, like mine does as seen below, position them in such a way that the only statue unable to be seen is statue C.

    Here's a Screenshot of how my Laptop Screen looks like when i attempt a solo
    At any of the rounds if none of the 19 Statues light up, that would have meant it was Statue C.


    The Objective of this Stage is to locate 4 Longinus Spears and put them at the correct places. However some parts of this stage can only be done by characters of a certain class/skill set

    You will see several doors over at the main map, so do navigate the location via the Yellow Dot on the mini-map which shows where exactly i'm standing at.

    1st Longinus Spear - Requires 1 Magician with Teleport and 1 Thief with Dark Sight

    The first part requires you to find a Gold Key that drops from Muscle Stones that can be found inside the following door [Room of Courage]


    For the second part, you would need to drop the Gold Key from earlier in front of the following door [Room of Faith]

    Inside, the magician has to first teleport all the way to the bottom right end of the map and hit the box to obtain a Silver Key, followed by giving the Thief with Dark Sight the keys.

    The Thief will then head up in dark sight towards the top right end of the map
    Be sure to always have dark sight on when crossing these monsters (no matter how high your HP) otherwise...

    Drop the Silver Key from earlier in front of the door to open the portal

    Inside, you will see a spear chained up. You can retrieve the Longinus Spear by attacking it a few times.
    (Remember to get back onto Dark Sight before leaving the map)

    The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Longinus Spears can all be found within this door from the main map

    Inside, there are 3 different Jump Quests to get through, each leading to a Longinus Spear at the top [Room of Glory]
    (Also known as Blue, Yellow and Red JQs from Left to Right)

    Also do note:
    - A player can only hold onto 1 Longinus Spear at a time
    - Unlike regular items, you would have to jump and loot at the same time to pick up a Longinus Spear.

    Something like this

    All of the Longinus Spears have to be placed within this map [Room of Justice]

    Inside the Room of Justice, you will see another 4 mini-JQs (a lot easier than the ones found in Room of Glory).
    For easier navigation, label them 1, 2, 3 and 4 from Left to Right. From where i'm standing above, 1 and 2 are on my left while 3 and 4 are on my right.
    (some might prefer using the oooo/xxxx system where an unfinished jump is denoted by 'o' while a finished jump is denoted by an 'x' - Example: 'oxox' would mean Jumps 1 and 3 are yet to be done)

    Jump 1 can be done by anyone

    Jump 2 requires maxed Haste to be done

    Jump 3 is similar to Ludibrium's Combination Stage, the combination for this jump would be 2152212 (1 being the first platform you're on)

    Jump 4 requires either a Magician's Teleport or a Hermit/Night Lord's maxed Flash Jump

    At the top of each of these Jumps you would have to place the Longinus Spears as follows:
    Make sure to verify that the Spear has transformed into the wings form before going back down.

    Once all 4 Spears have been put into position accordingly, the Gate to Stage 3 will be open.

    - You usually plan this Stage in advance before starting the GPQ, in terms of selecting who would do the Blue, Yellow, Red JQs, Magician + Thief parts, as well as Jumps 1, 2, 3 & 4.
    - You can have someone do the 4 mini-JQs and camp at the top while someone else collects the Longinus Spears, and make a trade using /trade <ign> to pass over the Spear for easy completion (usually done when there are more members participating)

    25 GP is awarded for completion of this Stage

    The objective of this stage is similar to the game some of you guys might know as Mastermind.

    There are 4 different ingredients in this stage, Scroll of Wisdom, Medal of Valor, Jr. Necki Drink, and Spoiled Food.
    For short, we call them Scrolls, Medals, Wine and Food.

    There are 4 Wiseman Statues in the main map of Stage 3 by the Fountain (as shown in the image above), where a puzzle has to be solved using the 4 Ingredients in order to find the right combination. You are given 7 Attempts at this and if failed, the combination gets reset and you would have to start all over. But first, getting the ingredients!

    Upon entry you will see some monsters at the map, these monsters drop the first 2 ingredients (Scrolls & Medals)
    *Make sure you have 4 of each before proceeding further.

    The Wine can be found inside the Top Left portal of the main map (You will need to break the boxes inside and find 4 Wines)

    Similarly, the food can be found at the Top Right portal of the main map (Break the items inside to find 4 Foods)
    The Food's map is like a mini-jq on its own, a little tougher than the Wine's so usually you would allocate more players to Food than Wine

    Back at the main map, the Leader of the GPQ may begin the puzzle by clicking on the Guard Statue.
    You would need to drop* the ingredients, 1 at each of the 4 Wiseman Statues to 'guess' the combination.
    *Make sure the floor is empty and that no one drops any junk items whatsoever as that will interrupt and possibly fail an attempt.
    There should only be the 4 ingredients making up a combination at any point of time.

    For each attempt, the Guard Statue will give relevant clues as to how many of the ingredients are pleased, incorrect or unknown.

    Pleased means the ingredient is in the correct position
    Incorrect means the ingredient is part of the combination however placed in the wrong position
    Unknown means the ingredient is not part of the combination at all

    It requires some practice, actually trying this stage out to fully understand how to solve this puzzle easily, i'm not sure if i can put into words how one can go about solving this, but here are some examples:

    First, sequence your ingredients from 1 to 4. Usually i take Scrolls as (1), Medals as (2), Wine as (3) and Food as (4)
    Hence, i usually start out by laying out 4 Scrolls
    From the picture above, you should be able to tell that this particular combination does not involve scrolls at all, since all 4 have been marked unknown
    (Also 2 Mobs will spawn for each wrong attempt - do kill them before making another attempt)

    Now that all 4 Scrolls didn't seem to work, i'd go for the next ingredient - laying out 4 Medals
    From this attempt you should be able to tell that 2 Medals are involved in the final combination and 2 aren't. You can't tell which 2 are the ones that are in the correct position but that doesn't matter for now. The next step to take would be to keep 2 Medals on the ground, and take back 2 into the inventory.

    Moving on, you would now place the 3rd ingredient on the remaining empty spaces (2 for this case)
    Now we can tell that the Final Combination has 1 wine involved (and that the last ingredient would have to be 1 Food)

    I also happened to be lucky in this case where the 2 Medals i've kept on the ground happened to be the correct ones. If i had looted the medals off the 1st 2 Statues and kept it on the 3rd and 4th, while placing the wines on the first 2 Statues instead, the Guard Statue would have said the following: 3 Incorrect, 1 Unknown

    If that were the case, i should still be able to tell that the last ingredient required would be 1 Food and basically change up the combination entirely such that 3 of the items have their positions changed to something different altogether.

    However since I am correct so far, the only thing left to do is place in a Food in either Statue 3 or Statue 4
    The combination turned out to be correct, hence the Stage is cleared.

    25 GP is awarded for completion of this Stage

    When Stage 3 is cleared, you will see a door appear towards the left side of the map, this portal leads you to Stage 4.

    The Objective of this Stage is to locate 4 different pieces of clothing; Shoes (1), Pants (2), Coat (3), Hat (4), each of which are accompanied by a Jump Quest.
    However just like Stage 2, some parts of this stage can only be done by certain characters.
    You will see several pipes over at the main map, so do navigate the location via the Yellow Dot on the mini-map which shows where exactly i'm standing at to note the place you have to be.

    Item 1: Shoes - You will need Maxed Haste to get through this (Flash Jump would be an added bonus!)
    The Shoes Jump Quest can be accessed via this particular pipe (Second Set of Pipes)

    Inside there will be a 3-part JQ, from Left to Right on the bottom platform, Right to Left on the middle platform and Left to Right on the top platform.


    You will see a door at the middle platform of the JQ, do not enter until you have finished the entire JQ and obtained the Shoes from hitting the box at the very top platform.


    You can actually use skills within this particular map, hence having Flash Jump would help you a lot in completing this JQ

    Item 2: Pants - Anyone is able to attempt this
    The Pants Jump Quest can be accessed via this particular pipe (First Set of Pipes)

    Upon entering you will notice 9 Puppet Golems present at the first map. You are required to kill these monsters and pick up the Signs of Evil (9) and drop them at the door found towards the end of the map as follows:
    This door will lead you to the Pants Jump Quest
    Unlike the Shoes Jump Quest, you cannot use any skills/haste in this map and would have to complete the JQ with regular jump
    Towards the end of the JQ you will find a box where the pants can be found

    Item 3: Coat - A ranged character or a 4th job Magician with Blizzard, Meteor or Genesis is required for this
    The Coat Jump Quest can be accessed via this particular pipe (4th/Last Set of Pipes)

    Inside, you will see a Gargoyle attacking from above.
    You will need to get to the top via the pipe on the right side of the map and attack the Gargoyle from afar (or use Blizzard, Meteor, Genesis from below if you have it)
    As soon as the Gargoyle is defeated, 8 more of them will spawn at the bottom lane. Kill these monsters, pick up the Signs of Evil (8) and drop them towards the door at the right side to unlock the Coat Jump Quest.

    You will notice this particular Jump Quest is divided with a gap in-between. The way to get towards the top is by entering the correct pipe which teleports you above. You will find the coat inside the box at the very top of the map.

    Item 4: Hat - Only a Character that's Level 30 and below can enter the Hat Jump Quest
    The Hat Jump Quest can be accessed via this particular pipe, marked by a sign on top (Third Set of Pipes)
    Upon entering, you will see devil slimes around the map. You would need to kill all of the slimes (11 on the bottom platform, 9 on the top) and loot the Signs of Evil (20), dropping them at the door towards the top right side of the map. This will unlock the Hat Jump Quest.
    There are 2-parts to the Hat Jump Quest, do not enter the door at the right side until you have finished the entire JQ and obtained the Hat from hitting the box at the top left side.

    Once everybody is done with their respective area and have obtained all 4 pieces of clothing, you will have to drop them at the next map (The map after your respective JQs). Make sure you have all 4 items!
    You will then have to drop them by Sharen III's grave (where i'm standing in the above image) in the following order:
    Shoes > Pants > Coat > Hat (Wait for each one of them to be 'absorbed' by the spirit first before throwing the next one)
    Once you have thrown the last item (Hat), Sharen III's Soul will appear. Have the GPQ Leader click on him to clear Stage 4.

    30 GP is awarded for completion of this Stage

    In this next map, a sacrifice has to be made in order to proceed into the Boss Map. Usually the sacrifice is done by the character who is below Level 30 although anyone is able to do it. The person to be sacrificed has to drop* his/her pair of earrings on the ground towards the Door on the right side of the map.
    You have to drop the earrings from the equipment inventory itself as you'd probably die before you can even un-equip and drop them on the ground

    For those that are not capable of fighting or surviving the Boss (Ergoth) but would like to watch, you can enter the following portal as soon as the door opens after the sacrifice.

    At the Boss map, you will have to hit the Rubian a few times to spawn Ergoth and its Statues
    Ergoth has 1,700,000 HP and often uses cancel weapon/magic attack (alternates in-between).
    You would need at least 4,000 HP to be safe
    The 4 Statues are able to inflict curses, cast 1/1 and even Dispel (not as often).
    It is not required to finish off all 4 Statues in order to clear the PQ; Ergoth and the Rubian is the main goal.

    Once Ergoth is defeated, have the Leader of the PQ loot the Rubian and give it to NPC Tiger Statue found at the Boss Map; you will be transported to the Bonus Stage automatically.

    The amount of GP earned here depends on the total time taken to complete the Entire PQ. You can obtain as much as 850 GP from this stage itself if completed within 20 minutes, and about 400 GP if it took around 40 minutes (not including GP earned from previous stages)

    A Good GPQ run should give about 900-1,000 GP entirely (15-20 minutes run)


    You have 40 seconds at the Bonus Stage
    Some of the items you can get from Bonus include:
    - Various Potions [​IMG]
    - 4th Job Skillbook 30 for the following [​IMG]
    - Black Sack [​IMG]
    - All types of 60% Scrolls [​IMG]
    (Including Overall Armor for INT, Earrings for INT or Gloves for ATT)

    Thanks, Credits and References
    Most of the Guide was made with personal experience (Had a solo-attempt at GPQ prior to making this Guide, just to get a feel of the PQ as a whole)
    Special thanks to
    - Cynthia (@FishBiscuit) for helping me enter GPQ to take all of these Pictures & GIFs,

    - Danny (@Pofke) for being one of the main guys to accompany me through GPQs (Along with @FishBiscuit),


    and the following links that were of good reference

    irmy, perfect25, changsta_g and 20 others like this.
  2. Plenty

    Plenty Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Needs more spoon feeding. Great guide! Love the pictures and the font. Pls don't replace me :(
  3. inversion

    inversion Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
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    nice guide, perhaps you could show the teleport locations for the bonus stage
  4. Marty

    Marty Donator

    Dec 7, 2013
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  5. Penny

    Penny Donator

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Haha, you decided to make a separate thread after all! Great job with this Chance ~f2~f2~f2~f2~f14~f14~f14~f14

    Some notes:

    Under requirements, instead of a ranged character or a 4th job Magician, a Dark Knight with Dragon Roar can also kill that gargoyle. In addition, I don't know if this is just my experience, but an archer is preferred over, say, an assassin. Even with maxed Keen Eyes, I had to jump + shoot to hit the gargoyle. It was doable, but a huge pain.

    Also, in this ranged room, there's a way to turn off the falling things that deal damage. If the first person that enters the room goes to the very bottom left (under the door) and literally crouches there (holds down), the falling things stop. I don't know if it's a glitch, but it works. It's definitely a help if you're not a mage that's just AOE-ing.
    FishBiscuit likes this.
  6. yogurtseller

    yogurtseller Donator

    May 4, 2015
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    Wow very nice tips Penny :^)
  7. Aaaahhhhh

    Aaaahhhhh Member

    Apr 23, 2015
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    D'awww ya beat me to the falling objects bit. But yeah, very helpful if you're going the ranged character route :)
  8. Ario

    Ario Donator

    Mar 29, 2015
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    Great guide!
  9. Guden

    Guden Donator

    Oct 23, 2016
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    thank for making it comprehensive
    Johnny likes this.
  10. Guden

    Guden Donator

    Oct 23, 2016
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    this didnt help oblivion
  11. soul0428

    soul0428 Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2016
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    I know this is a very old thread but I just want to comment,
    Never seen Shadow Claw 30 drop in GPQ :X

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