最近在做这个任务,需要到达以下五个地方(从Fandom上看的): Kerning City, at the top of the right crane. Perion, at the top right near Manji by the wooden stake. Chimney Tree Top, near the small tree stump. Nautilus Harbor, at the far right on top of the pelican. Entrance to Orbis Tower, above Minerva the Goddess' head 我去了五个地方但是只完成了四个部分 --- 我的问题是:为什么大木林的那个没有完成啊。。。我已经像下图一样在这片区域一直走来走去了 这是BUG吗,还是说任务的要求变了? 五缺一的感觉太难受了,还不如不做这个任务
你應該是在錯的地方吧 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/medals-list.161447/ Ellinia 的應該是 Top of the Tree that Grew
去网站里看了下发现这个是不是大巨变前的地图... 搜了下地图的名字(Top of the Tree that Grew) 没有那个图了。 看了下网站里的小地图 这个好像也是老地图的样子?然后网站图标也是Before Bigbang 大巨变前? (太久太久没有玩冒险岛了,如果有说错的地方很抱歉)
https://bbb.hidden-street.net/quest/title/the-one-whos-touched-the-sky Victoria Road: The Tree That Grew 1 > 2 > 3 從這裏開始 - https://bbb.hidden-street.net/map/mini-map/victoria-road-the-field-up-north-of-ellinia