@Kai ,你好。 因为英语不是母语,我怕无法表明我的观点,所以只好用中文与你沟通。 总体情况就是有玩家认为我抢了他的Lyka,因此在黑名单帖中发了帖,我有朋友看到后在游戏里私信我让我解释一下,这个过程中也引发我对Lyka归属权的思考。 以下是原贴地址:https://royals.ms/forum/threads/new-new-community-blacklist.106823/page-37#post-688640 Lyka的刷新时间是2.5-3.5个小时,为了能确保自己不错过每一只Lyka的刷新,我们经常会长时间的在忘却5刷怪,等待Lyka的刷新。 但目前存在一种情况,单体攻击的职业并不像法师那样容易拿到地图的归属权,法师长时间的控制各频道的地图所有权,同时这个归属权还拥有一定的保护时间。当我召唤出Lyka,甚至打了一半血之后,拥有归属权的法师换线回来让我换频道,我觉得这真的令人难以接受。 所以我在Lyka归属权问题上一直坚持着谁召唤,谁攻击的想法,但这可能引起了其余玩家的不理解。我也从未抢过任何一只由别人召唤的Lyka,这点在原贴中有人帮我证明了。想知道你的建议是怎样? Look forward to your reply.
I will take actions only when the report requirement is fulfilled, simple as that. I have, in many instances, took actions when reports didn't fulfill the requirements, and this led to abit of unnecessary conflicts between me and the players involved. So since then, I will take actions iff the report format requirement is met. Hope this clears the air. Cheers.
I totally understand what you meant. I show great respect to the rules,but I would like to hold on my opinion.(Ofc It doesn't mean I'll do the previous way) And could I know how long will I take the BREAKING DAYS?
我认为归属权这个东西有时很公平,有时列为灰色地带。 当然如果你一次又一次觉得这件事带给你很大的困扰的话,那就录影和ss来做证据。 不过.... 反正.... 你的户口和IP已经被封锁了.... 你已没办法回来为你自己赎罪.... 所谓 “跳进黄河洗不清” You cannot come back anymore. Goodbye and good luck!