*網路上的教學都大同小異 1.升等點數點MP 2.把點MP的次數點回智力 3.再把多餘底線的MP洗回HP *但是有一些地方很疑惑? 1.有教學說先把智力點到一定數量200 250 300等等,請問在此步驟是直接點智力還是就已經使用暴力洗血方法的1和2,我的意思是說從二十幾等就開始暴力洗血法,還是說先直接點智力,等到智力總和到了再開始暴力洗血法? 2.關於上面第3點是扣MP加HP扣到底線為止嗎?因為有人說每次升級有5點,上面第2點要用5張AP reset,上面第3點要用5張AP reset,所以升級一等總共是10張,還是說上面第3點不管幾張就是洗到底線為止?
1. the reason why base int of 200 250 300 etc is always mentioned is because it is a close estimate for most mp washes to 30k. Also, you have not started the process of mp washing yet, you're just adding 5 points into int every lvl until u have arrived at your desired base int, then only u can start adding into mp until desired mp. 2. Add everything into int first until u reach ur base int goal, only then u start mp washing. 3. Normally u would want to focus on ur point number 2. which is wash all ur base int back into luk, so that u can start doing damage. Next, there're two methods of hp washing [1.(taking 1 point out of mp and adding into hp) or 2.(adding 5 points everytime u lvl into hp, then using resets to take out mp and add to luk) ] [1] gives less hp /mp but u can proceed to level without needing to reset right away. [2] gives more hp/mp but you'll need to reset every time u lvl. *i'll translate this later when i get back home, but hope that google translate will help u for now*
暴力洗血法 = 洗血+洗魔 所以說,要等到洗血角色的能力值達到目標的智力總和才開始 再來,並不是說每等一定會花掉10張能力重置卷,根據每個玩家的習慣,有分為每幾等就洗乾或是leech到目標等級後再一口氣洗乾。 前者手續稍微麻煩,但好處是能控制好洗血的效率,較不會洗過頭 後者手續比較簡單,但壞處是有時會因為計算失準而洗過頭(Mp太多) 但也有人認為mp太多也沒差,所以說要採用何種方式就是玩家本身自由心證。
謝謝你的回覆~ 所以結論就是說 1.升級直接點智力到達定值>開始暴力洗>每等級根據我上面第三步洗到下限為止(所以每等級reset使用量為5(扣MP+能力值(智力、主屬))+洗到MP底限次數,如果每等洗的話) 等到洗到想要的hp量>再把智力屬性全部洗回主屬?
是的 但亦有少部分玩家在洗血角色還沒達到目標智力總和前就開始洗魔(大約智力總和120↑) 這種做法更為花錢且MP很容易洗過頭,但相對的會更容易達到30K的血量 附上一句我在某篇古文看到的話: 洗血只是為了改善體質,要洗多少是根據每個人的目標和財力決定 如果因為洗血而令自己失去遊戲的樂趣,那就是本末倒置了