Character Name:lovelove1314 Last thing you did:NO Why do you think you got banned?:我與我的朋友使用同一之帳號 Ban message when attempting to log in:sharing/buying What GM banned you (optional):John 前幾天我發現我突然被鎖了,然後我去查了一下條款才發現不能分享帳號,但是很奇怪的是他是直接的永久封鎖我可是我看初犯是30天,而且只有是我在玩然後他只是上限拿個些裝備等等而已,我們也沒有犯到嚴重氾濫裡面的條款= =為什麼是永久鎖定
You admitted to account sharing/buying on these screenshots:
Heavy abuse (multiple log ins for longer periods of time, gaining experience or meso, completing quests) of account sharing is a permanent ban. buying/selling accounts or anything mapleroyals related for real money is a permanent ban. According to the screenshots and the logins of our logs you are supposed to be permanently locked.