的確自從商城開放後我也有相同的問題,但是沒有你講的那麼嚴重,我頂多偶爾會斷線或是卡住。 個人認為除了考慮遊戲伺服器本身問題外,自己電腦本身也要注意一下。 前些陣子有台灣/東亞玩家反應自己的寵物不會即時喝水(已經購買商城道具),後來經由管理員提供解決辦法後,遊玩情況就回復正常了。 前幾天我也碰到相同的問題(寵物不會即時喝水),之後進行初始化開機後就搞定了。 補充:假如碰到比較複雜的問題而不清楚如何用英文解釋的話,不妨請管理員Fergus幫忙進行翻譯(只是不知道Fergus會不會常常上線就是了)
http://www.hinet.net/notifyPage.html?id=15b933a38dd000005b54&type=0 海纜的問題喔 修復期未定 目前尖峰時期對歐美日會有明顯的雍塞 主要的問題是掉封包的狀況嚴重 我晚上ping了3個小時掉了8% for GMs: A submarine communications cable is broken now. Our ISP "hinet" doesn't give us a ETA to repair it. And it cause mess of delay and packet loss when the network is busy. I also try to use the VPN provide by my school ,that really helps a lot. Is the academic vpn be viewed as a public vpn?
Looks like it will be like this for a while, this website suggests an estimated date of May 8th http://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3148764
It is at your own risk to use public VPN, if somebody uses a hack on your IP then this can cause your account to get banned and we will have no way of knowing that it wasn't you.