샹크스퀴즈 꼬접방지용으로 올립니다. 문제순서는 랜덤이니 대충 첫 몇단어 Ctrl + F 로 찾으시면 편하실거에요 규칙숙지하시는거 중요하니 일부러 답은 안적어놨습니다 Credit to @Reynor _________________________________________________________________ Q1) A friend or family member has said that you can use their account(s). Are you allowed to do so? (친구나 가족이랑 계정공유/계정 돌려쓰는거 가능합니까?) A1) Yes, because i know their PIN, PIC and password since we all share the same details for other games. (네, 비번들 다 알고있으니 해도 되요) A2) No, using their account(s) gives me an unfair advantage, and I should never do it. I am only allowed to play on my own accounts. (아니, 다른사람 계정을 쓰면 불공정한 이득을 얻을 수 있으니 자신의 계정만 사용해야되요) A3) Yes! I'll use their account(s) to train my character(s). (네, 다른사람 계정으로 내 캐릭터 키울거야) A4) Yes, leveling is hard and I don't want to create a new account. I'll just use their account instead. (응, 레벨업 너무 어렵고 계정 새로 만들기 싫어. 다른사람 계정을 대신 쓸래.) A5) No. but I'll only use it for a minute, so it's okay. (아니 그렇지만 잠깐 쓸거니 괜찮을거야) _________________________________________________________________ Q2) When is it permitted to put a weight on your keyboard to perform action while not at your computer? (동꼽 가능?) A1) Anytime I want to. Using a weight to hold down a key is allowed. (언제든 내가 원하면 가능) A2) Always, as long as I am back within 3 minutes. (당연 난 3분안에 돌아올거야) A3) Only if I want to spam emotes in the Free Market. (자시에서 이모티콘 광클할때만 가능) A4) It is never okay. I should always be playing my character myself. (절대 안됨. 항상 내가 직접 조종해야됨) A5) If I feel tired from holding the key, or I want to go to the Toilet, or have a meal. (키 누르고 있기 피곤하거나 화장실 혹은 밥먹을때 가능) _________________________________________________________________ Q3) If there's more than one person in your household playing MapleRoyals, what must you all do in order to all vote each day? (네 가정에서 여러사람이 로얄을 할경우 매일 각각 투표하려면 어떻게 무엇을 해야되죠?) A1) We don't need to do anything. (아무것도 안해도 됨) A2) We will wote using different internet connections for each account. (인터넷 접속을 다른계정으로 해서 투표하면 됨) A3) We will send a private message or whisper to a staff member on the forum or in-game for permission. (스탭에게 포럼 개인메세지나 인게임에서 귓속말하면 됨) A4) It's impossible for everyone to vote and we must take turns. (불가능. 번갈아가면서 해야 됨) A5) Apply for the whitelist on the forum and until it is approved, only one player will vote each day. (화이트리스트 작성하고 허용하면 가능. 그 전까지는 하루에 한 사람만 가능) _________________________________________________________________ Q4) If another player is harassing you with explicit, vulgar, or offensive language or content, what should you do? (다른 사람이 너를 명백하게 괴롭히거나 음담패설, 욕설 같은걸 하면 뭘 해야 하나요?) A1) I will taunt them, and be aggressive back. (되돌려줄것이다) A2) I will report them on the Forum without evidence. (증거없이 포럼에 신고한다) A3) I will capture a video, or screenshot, and report it on the Forum under 'Report Abuse'. (동영상을 찍거나, 스샷을 찍거나 해서 포럼 'Report Abuse'에 신고한다) A4) I will engage in the same type of behavior. (나도 같은 행동을 할거다) A5) I will call in my friends or my guild to harass them in return. (친구나 길드원을 불러서 복수한다) _________________________________________________________________ Q5) Can you watch a TV show or video while playing MapleRoyals? (로얄하면서 티비보거나 다른거하는거 가능?) A1) I can only watch TV shows, or videos when I am AFK. (잠수탈때만 가능) A2) Only if I'm not killing a boss. (보스 할 때 아니면 가능) A3) Yes, as long as I am still attentive and reply to messages directed at me, or if I'm AFK-ing. (내가 계속 주의를 기울이거나 메세지 대답할 수 있거나 잠수중이면 가능) A4) I must only play MapleRoyals and do nothing else. (로얄중에는 다른것을 할 수 없다) A5) I am allowed to watch TV shows or videos while not paying attaction in-game, (게임에 집중하고 있지 않을때 가능) _________________________________________________________________ Q6) Are you allowed to launch mulitple clients on your computer to access more than one account at once? (멀티 클라 가능?) A1) Yes, provided I use automated scripts to control the other clients. (오토 프로그램 사용하면 가능) A2) Yes, I am allowed to launch multiple clients. (가능) A3) No, Multi-clienting does not work in MapleRoyals. (안됨. 로얄에선 멀티클라 작동안함) A4) No, I can only play on one account at any time. (안됨. 한번에 한계정만 사용 가능) A5) No, but I can launch a client on another computer to access my account. (안됨. 그러나 다른컴퓨터 사용하면 가능.) _________________________________________________________________ Q7) MapleRoyals is constantly updated and the new patches can be downloaded from the website in order to enjoy non-disrupted gameplay. Are you allowed to play on outdated, or modified, or any other game filed than those provided on the Download Page directly by MapleRoyals? (로얄은 게임플레이에 방해하지 않기 위해서 사이트에서 새로운 패치와 업데이트를 꾸준히 한다. 로얄 다운로드 페이지 말고 다른곳에서 제공받거나 업데이트를 안하고 게임해도 될까?) A1) Yes, I can choose not to download the patch. (응, 난 업데이트 유무를 선택 할 수 있어) A2) No, as playing the game using improper files may cause disrupted gameplay for myself and other players. (아니, 부적합한 파일을 사용하면 나나 다른 사람의 플레이에 방해가 될수 있으니 안됨) A3) Yes, I don't want to download the patch bacause my internet is slow. (응, 다운로드하면 인테넷 느려지니까 하기싫음) A4) Yes, I can modify the user interface or language. (응 인터페이스나 언어를 바꿀 수 있어) A5) No, but playing the game using improper files only attects me and not other players. (아니, 하지만 부적합한 파일을 사용하면 다른사람에게는 영향이 없고 나에게만 영향이 있어) _________________________________________________________________ Q8) Players collect fame for multple reasons. Assume you encounter someone whom you dislike bacause of something they did. Is it appropriate for you to defame them? (사람들은 여러가지 이유로 인기도를 올린다. 네가 어떤사람이 한 행동때문에 싫어하는 누군가를 만났을때 그들의 인기도를 내려도 될까?) A1) Yes, so long as I do not mass defame and/or engage other player to mass defame the player on my behalf. (응, 다른사람을 선동해서 잔뜩 내리는 등 그러지만 않으면 가능) A2) No, I think defaming player is not allowed. (아니, 인기도 내리는건 안됨) A3) No, but the player challenged me to mass defame them and so I did. (안됨. 하지만 플레이어가 인기도 내리기 도전중이면 가능) A4) Yes, I can defame the player as many times as I wish (응 내가 원하는만큼 가능) A5) No, I think only faming is allowed here. (아니 올리는거만 가능) _________________________________________________________________ Q9) Whether you have encountered an item you wish to purchase, but do not have enough meses for or are quiting MapleRoyals and want to earn some money by selling your equipment. Are you allowed to buy and/or sell the item(s) using real money? (템 사고싶은데 메소가 모자라거나 로얄 접을 때 혹은 템 팔아서 돈 벌고싶을때 현실돈과 거래 가능?) A1) Yes, since it is my own equipment, i can do whatever I want with it. (응. 내 템이니 내맘) A2) No, Real World Trading is unfair, detrimental to the market, and is not allowed. (안됨) A3) Yes, I am buying it from my friend. Only selling is not allowed. (파는 건 안되고 사는거만 가능) A4) No, but the buyer or seller promised me they wouldn't report me. (안됨. 하지만 파는사람이나 사는사람이 신고 안한다 그러면 가능) A5) Yes, I am selling it to my friend. Only buying is not allowed. (사는건 안되고 파는거만 가능) _________________________________________________________________ Q10) Are you allowing to make any remark that could be perceived as derogatory or otherwise prejudiced towords any grop of people based on their race, sex, gender, life choices, or any other divsion? (성별, 라이프스타일 등등에 대해 비판적인 발언이나 차별 가능?) A1) Yes, since other players should not be so sensitive. (다른사람은 민감하지 않을테니 가능) A2) No, that would be considered vulgar/hate speech. (안됨) A3) No, unless I am offended by some player. (다른사람이 불편해 하지만 않으면 됨) A4) Yes, since I do it all the time in real life. (현실에서도 하니까 괜찮음) A5) Yes, since I saw other players engaging in the same behavior, So i follow suit. (다른사람이 하는거 봤으니 나도 해도 됨) _________________________________________________________________ Q11) If you come acroos a bug, or a glitch that gives you an unfair advantage while playing MapleRoyals, what should you do? (버그같은걸로 불공정한 이득을 얻었을때 어떻게 해야 됨) A1) I will take advantage of the glitch and use it repeatedly. (패치될때 까지 이득챙길거임) A2) I will tell all of my friend about it. (친구들한테 말할거야) A3) I will keep it as a secret. (비밀로 할래) A4) I will do nothing, someone else will probably report it eventually. (다른사람이 신고할테니 냅둘래) A5) I will visit the 'Bug Report' section on the forum, and report it there. (포럼 'Bug Report'가서 신고할거야) _________________________________________________________________ Q12) Certain actions may get repetitive; such as when you are selling leech. Are you allowed to program a script or download an existing one off the internet to automatically control your character? (쩔 팔때 처럼 반복적인 행동을 할때 메크로프로그램같은거 사용 가능?) A1) No, but as long as I use it with caution, I will not get caught. (안됨. 그래도 조심히 사용하면 괜찮음) A2) No, that falls under Macrobotting, a more serious form or botting that is equivalent to hacking. (안됨) A3) Yes, since the script is available on the internet meas I can download and use it to control my character. (인터넷에서 다운 가능하니 가능) A4) Yes, since my friend gave me the script and told me it is okay to use it. (친구가 줬고 괜찮다고 했으니 가능) A5) Yes, I am allowed to program my own script ot control my characters. (내가 직접 만든거니 가능) _________________________________________________________________ Q13) Are you allowed to search for a player's pesonal information on the internet without their consent, and post the information either in game or on the forum? (포럼이나 다른곳에 자기가 올린 정보이외에 다른사람의 정보를 찾아보는게 가능한가요?) A1) No, unless I am offended by them. (다른사람이 불편해하는거 아니면 괜찮음) A2) Yes, since the player doxxed me too. (다른 사람도 나를 스토킹했으니 괜찮음) A3) No, that would be considered doxing and is an invasion of ther privacy. (그건 스토킹이니 안됨. 다른사람의 프라이버시를 존중해야됨.) A4) Yes, since the datails are on the internet, that means I can do whatever I want with it. (인터넷에 디테일하게 있을테니 내가 원하는 뭐든지 가능) A5) Yes, since the player is my friend. (걔는 내 친구니 괜찮음.) _________________________________________________________________ Q14) Given a scenario where you are unfortunately permanetly banned from MapleRoyals for a valid reason, and your ban appeal has benn deniey. Are you allowed to create a new account and continue playing? (타당한 이유로 밴당하고 벤어필도 기각됬을때 새계정파서 다시 하는거 가능?) A1) Yes, as long as I take a short break and come back at a later date. (응 좀 쉬고 복귀할거임) A2) No, that falls under Ban Evasion and my account(s) would eventually be banned. (밴회피는 불가능하다. 새 계정들도 결국 밴될거다.) A3) Yes, as long as I beg the GMs to unban me. (GM한테 벤풀어달라고 해야되니 가능함) A4) No, but if I am careful and ban evade, I will not get caught, so I will do it (안됨. 그러나 조심하면 안걸릴테니 할거임) A5) Yes, I can create a new account immediately and resume palying. (새 계정 바로 만들어서 할 수 있음) _________________________________________________________________ Q15) How often are you allowed to vote for NX each day on Gtop100.com? (투표 하루에 얼마나 자주 할수있음?) A1) As many times as I want as long as I only vote on my own accounts. (내 계정이면 내가 원하는 만큼 가능) A2) Once on every account by bypassing the daily voting timer. (각 계정마다 한번씩 가능) A3) Only one time. (딱 한번) A4) Never. (못함) A5) Three times every 24hours. (하루에 3번) _________________________________________________________________ Q16) You see a player action suspiciously; such as looting items from afar or attacking out -of-reach-monsters around the map, are you allowed to loot the items dropped by those monster? (멀리서 템을 줍거나 멀리서 몬스터를 때리는 등의 맵에서 엄청난 행동을 하는 플레이어를 봤을때 이러한 몬스터가 드랍한 템을 주워도 되나요?) A1) Yes, because the hacker did not loot the items after a pderiod of time. (해커가 일정시간동안 안주웠으니 가능) A2) Yes, because I'm in a party with the hacker so it is okay for me to loot the items. (해커랑 파티중이니 가능) A3) No, because reaping benefits from a hacker is not allowed. (해커로부터 이득을 얻는거니까 안됨) A4) Yes, because the hacker asked me to loot. (해커가 나한테 주워도 된다했으니 괜찮음.) A5) No, but i needed the items for my quest so I looted it. (안됨. 그래도 내 퀘스트에 필요하니 주울거임) _________________________________________________________________ *Final Question* Q)Have you clearly read and understood the rules of MapleRoyals? Do you understand the Punishments that would be imposed if you caught breaking the rules? (룰 읽고 이해했지? 어기면 어떻게 되는지 이해했지?) A1) Yes (응) A2) No (아니) A3) Sort of read them (약간 읽음) A4) Maybe (아마) A5) What are rules? Where do I read them (룰이 뭐임? 어디서 읽을 수 있음?) _________________________________________________________________