13 LUK 81 WA Red Craven Sold Spoiler: Sold Common 7 WA 0 slot PGC: 1.1B AP Resets: 16.5M (x200) Warrior 9 STR 20 DEX 7 Accuracy Blood Valkyrie Skirt: 550M Bowman 31 STR 9 DEX Blue Ades: 350M 28STR 11 DEX Blue Arzuna: 200M 24 STR 22 DEX Blue Armis: 900M White Nisrocks: 3 DEX 118 WA 0 Slot: 100M 2 DEX 120 WA 0 Slot (x2): 200M each 3 DEX 123 WA 0 Slot: 600M 4 DEX 125 WA 0 Slot: 1.1B 3 DEX 126 WA 0 Slot: 1.52B Thief Red Cravens 10 LUK 56 WA Clean: 250M (x2) 12 LUK 56 WA Clean (Perfect): 700M 10 LUK 76 WA 0 Slot: 1.2B Red Pirate Tops 7 DEX 11 LUK Clean (Perfect): 90M (x5) Red Pirate Pants 7 DEX 9 LUK Clean (Perfect): 90M (x2) Pirate 13 STR 100 WA 0 Slot White Fangz: 250M
for reference, i bought a 4/22 (26 total stat) lucida for 400 and was pretty happy. this is a good price for any prospective bidders
An anonymous buyer said he is willing to A/W the 9STR 20DEX Blood Valkyrie Skirt at 550M in forum conversation. Marked as unavailable unless he withdraws. Edit: the skirt was sold to the anonymous buyer. Removed from store.
Added following items: 31 STR 9 DEX Blue Ades 28 STR 11 DEX Blue Arzuna 10 LUK 56 WA clean Red Cravens (x2) 9 STR 8 Accuracy clean Black Neos Pants
31 STR 9 DEX Blue Ades sold for A/W 350M in shop. 9 STR 8 Accuracy clean Black Neos Pants sold for A/W 40M in shop. Reduced A/W for 28 STR 11 DEX Blue Arzuna
Added the following items: 12 LUK 56 WA Perfect Clean Red Craven 7 DEX 11 LUK Perfect Clean Red Pirate Tops (x5) 7 DEX 9 LUK Perfect Clean Red Pirate Pants (x2) 10 STR 12 DEX Perfect Clean Blue Armis (x2)
"12 LUK 56 WA Perfect Clean Red Craven" sold for a/w 700M in shop "7 DEX 11 LUK Perfect Clean Red Pirate Tops (x5)" sold for a/w 90M each in shop "7 DEX 9 LUK Perfect Clean Red Pirate Pants (x2)" sold for a/w 90M each in shop Reduced a/w for perfect clean Blue Armis (x2) and 28 STR 11 DEX Blue Arzuna.
"28 STR 11 DEX Blue Arzuna" sold for a/w 200M in shop. Removed 10 STR 12 DEX Perfect Clean Blue Armis (x2) because I got bored and scrolled them. Added 24 STR 22 DEX Blue Armis
10 LUK 76 WA 0 Red Craven (0 slot) sold for A/W 1.2B in shop. Added: 2 DEX 120 WA White Nisrocks (x2) 3 DEX 118 WA White Nisrock
You got any offers on the 120 attacks? Or are you only selling for the price listed? I see 119 attacks nisrocks for 130mil, so wondering if you'd take 200mil flat for 120 att?