14 STR 6 DEX 14 LUK 2 Avoid 7 Speed Spectrum Goggles (Purple Tag) 50b (need time to install) Open to CGS, WS/CS, please state your valuation Please make sure you have your due diligence available. Mine is this thread, further available upon request. --------------------------------------------- ------------------- 8 ATT Von Leon's Boots (iirc 8/6 > 4/5 > 4/4 > 4/3 > 9/2 > 13/1 > 8/0) 3b --------------------------------------------------------------- Terms: Spoiler Accepting: @ ? @ ? @ --- @ 1b Open to accepting ATT Gear at my valuation --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Cash Shop NX https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-nx-items-1-1-5.216386/[/URL[/URL]] --------------------------------------------------------------- Spoiler Dragon Khanjar price references for 3 LUK 34 ATT: Spoiler https://royals.ms/forum/threads/34wa-12-3-dragon-khanjar.209093/[/URL[/URL]] 4.2b 34/3 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-34-attack-dragon-khanjar-9wa-fs-9wa-bfc.210188/[/URL[/URL]] 4b 34/? https://royals.ms/forum/threads/34-3-dragon-khanjar.205200/[/URL[/URL]] 4b 34/3 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-18-130-gold-double-knife-34-att-khanjar-80-att-craven-7-25-6-24-red-pirate-top.204926/[/URL[/URL]] 4b 34/3 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-34-att-3-luk-dragon-khanjar.189118/[/URL[/URL]] 4b 34/3 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-130-18-gold-double-dagger-and-34wa-3luk-khanjar.196880/#post-1160659[/URL[/URL]] 4b 34/3 --------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Khanjar price references from 8 LUK 34 ATT up to 6 LUK 42 ATT: Spoiler This thread 5.3b 34/8 Spoiler https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-35wa-7luk-dragon-khanjar.182590/#post-1080418[/URL[/URL]] 8b 35/7 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-36-watk-d-khanjar-and-1-1-2-1-element-pierce.182326/page-2[/URL[/URL]] 8b 36/1 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-36-3-khanjar-rc-91-19-mesos-for-43-khanjar.139954/[/URL[/URL]] 8b valuation for 36/3 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-36-wa-khanjar.209780/[/URL[/URL]] 8b valuation for 36/3 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-36-6-khanjar.198055/[/URL[/URL]] https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-6-luk-36-att-dragon-khanjar-rare.197200/[/URL[/URL]] 7.65b & 8b 36/6 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-36-atk-6-luk-dragon-khanjar.182458/[/URL[/URL]] https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-tania-sword-rare-nx.177786/[/URL[/URL]] 10b 36/6 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-dragon-kanzir-145-att-dragon-khanjar-36-att-7-str-7-luk-bfc-13-att.207692/[/URL[/URL]] 10b 36/7 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-38-att-khanjar.190662/#post-1118517[/URL[/URL]] 11b 38/0 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-38-7-dragon-khanjar.208916/[/URL[/URL]] 15b 38/7 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-janus-sword-38-8-luk-khanjar-15wa-pgc.204185/page-7#post-1275935[/URL[/URL]] 14.5b offer & 16b valuation for 38/8 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-42-6-khanjar-mtk-119wa-king-cent-apr-87wa-dragon-knuckle.147476[/URL[/URL]] 28b (before edited to 30b) 42/6 --------------------------------------------------------------- Mixed stat EP price references: Spoiler [19/23 stat] 4 STR 7 DEX 12 LUK EP | sold 4.75b | feb 2023 Spoiler https://royals.ms/forum/threads/91-12-3-slot-fishing-pole-99-sky-ski.67288/[/URL[/URL]] [18/25 stat] 7 STR 11 DEX 7 LUK EP | sold 5b | jan 2023 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-15dex-6luk-ep-28str-8dex-bule-neos-100att-13dex-pyrope.203099/page-10#post-1253669[/URL[/URL]] [21 stat] 15 DEX 6 LUK EP | sold 6b | nov 2022 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/selling-12dex-12luk-ep.210658/[/URL[/URL]] [24 stat] 12 DEX 12 LUK EP | sold 8b | nov 2022 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-9dex-10luk-ep.202376/[/URL[/URL]] [19 stat] 9 DEX 10 LUK EP | sold 5b | mar 2022 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-21-145-kaznir-s-4str-15-luk-ep-s-10-str-1-luk-34-att-dragon-khanjar.190835/[/URL[/URL]] [15/19 stat] 4 STR 15 LUK EP | co 4.5b | may 2021 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-7-8-0-10-element-pierce.182062/[/URL[/URL]] [18/25 stat] 7 STR 8 DEX 10 LUK EP | sold 8b | jan 2021 --------------------------------------------------------------- Sales history: Spoiler 7 STR 8 LUK 34 ATT Dragon Khanjar (Purple Tag) sold for S/B 5.5b --- 15/11/2023 7 DEX 27 LUK 11 Avoid Dark Pirate Top (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 3b --- 09/11/2023 8 ATT Facestompers (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 2.5b --- 21/09/2023 11 DEX 26 LUK 6 Avoid Dark Studded Top (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 5.3b --- 19/07/2023 14 STR 7 LUK 43 ATT Dragon Khanjar (Yellow Tag) sold for S/B 38b --- 01/07/2023 21 LUK 145 ATT Dragon Kanzir (Yellow Tag) sold for S/B 39b --- 28/06/2023 7 DEX 25 LUK Umber Mantis (Purple Tag) sold for S/B 1.2b (3 WS @ 400) --- 28/06/2023 17 ATT Brown Work Gloves (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 4.3b --- 04/06/2023 7 DEX 27 LUK 11 Avoid Dark Pirate Top (Purple Tag) sold for A/W 3b --- 09/05/2023 18 STR 134 ATT Purple Surfboard (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 1.11b --- 04/05/2023 14 INT 22 MATT Single Earring (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 1.66b --- 15/04/2023 15 STR 130 ATT Stonetooth Sword (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 2.8b (4 CS @ 460 + 2 WS @ 460 + 40m) --- 23/03/2023 21 ATT Brown Work Gloves (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 21b --- 23/03/2023 7 STR 8 LUK 33 ATT Dragon Khanjar (Purple Tag) traded for S/B 3.8b --- 19/03/2023 6 ATT Clean Pink Adventurer Cape PAC (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 1.88b --- 17/03/2023 7 STR 8 LUK 34 ATT Dragon Khanjar (Purple Tag) sold for S/B 5.2b (7 STR 8 LUK 33 ATT Dragon Khanjar @ 3.8b + 1.4b) --- 15/03/2023 110 ATT 7 Slots Dragon Kanzir (Blue Tag) (Perfect) sold for S/B 7b (11 WS @ 470) --- 10/03/2023 7 STR 1 DEX Spectrum Goggles (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 1.25b --- 06/03/2023 4 STR 7 DEX 12 LUK EP Element Pierce (Blue Tag) sold for 4.75b (10 WS @ 475) --- 11/02/2023 15 DEX Single Earring (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 1.5b (1 Coin + 500m) --- 11/02/2023 15 LUK Single Earring (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 1b (1 Coin) --- 11/02/2023 9 ATT Pink Adventurer Cape (Grey Tag) sold for A/W 1.6b (1 Coin + 600m) --- 10/01/2023 6 STR 135 ATT 18 Accuracy 5 Slots Crushed Skull (Purple Tag) (Perfect +2) sold for A/W 4.5b (4 CS @ 450 + 6 WS @ 450) --- 20/11/2022 7 DEX 25 LUK 7 Avoid Red Pirate Top (Yellow Tag) sold for 984m (164 Enchanted Scrolls @ 6m) --- 30/07/2022 7 DEX 26 LUK 9 Avoid Red Pirate Top (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 2b (7 DEX 25 LUK 7 Avoid Red Pirate Top (Yellow Tag) @ 930m + 1 Coin + 7 Onyx Apples @ 10m) --- 22/07/2022 19 STR 116 ATT Maple Pyrope Spear (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 700m --- 13/07/2022 37 STR 8 DEX White Pioneer (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 2.111b --- 12/07/2022 19 LUK 131 ATT Gold Double Knife (Yellow Tag) sold for 4.5b (9 CS @ 500) --- 16/06/2022 Maple Warrior 20 sold for 2.082b (2 Coins + 82m) --- 10/06/2022 18 LUK 130 ATT Dragon Kanzir (Yellow Tag) sold for 3.7b (3 Coins + 700m) --- 10/06/2022 13 ATT Blackfist Cloak (Grey Tag) sold for A/W 5b (500m + 1 Coin + 1 CS @ 500 + 6 WS @ 500) --- 08/06/2022 18 LUK 130 ATT Dragon Kanzir (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 3.8b (240m + 2 Coins + 1 WS @ 500 + 100 Onyx Apples @ 10m) --- 03/06/2022 12 MATT Clean Purple Gaia Cape (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 350m --- 27/05/2022 12 MATT Clean Purple Gaia Cape (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 350m --- 27/05/2022 17 STR 134 ATT Pinaka (Yellow Tag) sold for S/B 1.1b --- 20/05/2022 19 STR 134 ATT Pinaka (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 1.15b --- 17/05/2022 10 STR 8 LUK 32 ATT Dragon Khanjar (Yellow Tag) sold for 2.45b --- 16/05/2022 9 STR 3 LUK 33 ATT Dragon Khanjar (Purple Tag) sold for 2.61b (600m + 4 CS @ 500 + 1 Apple @ 10m) --- 11/05/2022 15 STR 133 ATT Pinaka (Yellow Tag) sold for S/B 800m --- 09/05/2022 5 DEX 107 ATT Concerto (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 2b --- 23/04/2022 10 STR 3 LUK 32 ATT Dragon Khanjar (Purple Tag) sold for A/W 1.75b --- 22/03/2022 34 INT 7 LUK Dark Starlight (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 1.75b (250m + 2 CS @ 500 + 1 WS @ 500) --- 18/03/2022 19 LUK 129 ATT Gold Double Knife (Yellow Tag) sold for S/B 2.495b (4 WS @ 500 + 55 Apples @ 9m) --- 10/03/2022 7 DEX 13 LUK Clean Red Katinas (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 200m --- 02/02/2022 8 ATT Clean Pink Gaia Cape (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 3 coins --- 14/12/2021 6 ATT Clean Pink Gaia Cape (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 1 coin --- 14/12/2021 10 STR 11 DEX Blue Arzuna (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 40m --- 11/02/2021 103 ATT Gold Double Knife (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 40m --- 11/02/2021 2* 135 HP Maple Shield (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 33m --- 11/02/2021 2* 105 HP Male Top (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 14m --- 11/02/2021 90 HP Male Top (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 7m --- 11/02/2021 93 HP Sandblasted Jeans (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 7m --- 11/02/2021 120 HP Sword Earrings (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 40m --- 02/2021 117 HP Sword Earrings (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 37m --- 02/2021 123 HP Sword Earrings (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 43m --- 24/01/2021 14 INT Yellow Adventures Cape (YAC) (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 139m --- 24/01/2021 90 HP Sword Earrings (Orange Tag) sold for A/W 10m --- 19/01/2021 9 INT 3 LUK 7 MATT Gold Lapiz Sandals (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 300m --- 19/01/2021 4 INT Work Gloves (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 35m --- 19/01/2021 4 DEX 123 ATT 9 Jump Golden Nisrock (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 340m --- 19/01/2021 10 INT 17 MATT 27 TMA Flamekeeper Cordon (Purple Tag) sold for A/W 1.25b --- 16/01/2021 120 HP Stolen Fence (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 13m --- 15/01/2021 105 HP Stolen Fence (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 10m --- 12/01/2021 105 HP Male Top (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 20m --- 12/01/2021 140 HP Warfare Pants (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 40m --- 12/01/2021 15 LUK 87 ATT Maple Wagner (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 400m --- 12/01/2021 8 DEX 8 LUK 11 ATT Blue Anelin (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 100m --- 10/01/2021 91 HP Sword Earrings (Orange Tag) sold for A/W 15m --- 10/01/2021 120 HP Green Bandana (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 25m --- 05/01/2021 100 HP Green Bandana (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 15m --- 05/01/2021 11 INT 21 MATT 32 TMA Maple Shield (Purple Tag) sold for A/W 2.55b (2.05b + WS @ 500) --- 02/01/2021 2* 90 HP Single Earrings (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 30m --- 27/12/2020 108 HP Sandblasted Jeans (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 40m --- 27/12/2020 105 HP Top (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 40m --- 27/12/2020 5* 90 HP Male Top (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 5m --- 23/12/2020, 10/01/2021 90 HP Cecilia's Earrings (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 20m --- 23/12/2020 120 HP Branch Nose (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 100m --- 22/12/2020 1/1/1/1 Ring of Alchemist sold for A/W 200m --- 20/12/2020 19 STR 11 DEX 30 Stat Green Lucida (Female) (Purple Tag) sold for A/W 190m --- 20/12/2020 120 HP Maple Shield (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 20m --- 17/12/2020 8 INT 16 MATT 24 TMA Maple Shield (Purple Tag) sold for A/W 777m --- 16/12/2020 90 HP Helmet (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 5m --- 14/12/2020 12 INT 102 MATT 114 TMA Elemental Wand 2 (Purple Tag) sold for A/W 75m --- 14/12/2020 10 STR 7 DEX 11 ATT Purple Imperial (Blue Tag) sold for A/W 125m --- 13/12/2020 18 LUK 83 ATT Korean Fan (Yellow Tag) sold for A/W 750m --- 12/12/2020 13 DEX 8 Speed 23 Jump Violet Snowshoes (VSS) (Purple Tag) sold for 280m (A/W 300m) --- 10/12/2020 10 INT 20 MATT 30 TMA Maple Shield (Purple Tag) sold for A/W 2b --- 10/12/2020 3 LUK 41 ATT Maple Claw (Purple Tag) sold for A/W 100m --- 09/12/2020 18 INT 9 LUK Crimsonheart Cloak (CHC) (Purple Tag) sold for A/W 667m --- 05/12/2020 9 INT 18 MATT 27 TMA 7 Avoid Maple Shield (Purple Tag) sold for A/W 1.2b --- 04/12/2020 12 INT 20 MATT 32 TMA Metal Silver Earrings (Yellow Tag) sold for S/B 965m --- 26/11/2020 8INT 16 MATT 24 TMA Maple Shield (Purple Tag) sold for 765m (225m + CS @ 540) --- 18/11/2020 --------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for booming this with CSS Andrew: Spoiler In the safe selling nvm boomed hands of n00bgamer97 these days. The Rolls: Start: Slot 1: +5 +4 +4 +3 +2 Slot 2: -1 +1 +4 -5 -5 Slot 3: x Fail Slot 4: +1 -1 -3 -4 -5 Slot 5: +1 -4 +5 +1 +4 --------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not doing this again: Spoiler I gached this a few months ago and decided to yolo 30% it... sometimes one gets lucky I guess
New C/O 575m+WS+3x OA INT 30% = 1.15b by MsDiana, will be selling in under 24 hours. Edit: sold 9 INT 18 MATT Maple Shield for A/W.
Scrolled the shield, thus added 10 INT 20 MATT Maple Shield. Also adjusted S/B and A/W on the VSS and the Red Skis.
Sold 10/20 Maple Shield for A/W and sold the Violet Snowshoes, added 11 ATK Purple Imperial and 19 STR 11 DEX Green Lucida.
11 ATK Purple Imperial sold for A/W. Added some HP gear to help you tank bosses like Zakum and Horntail at level 50 and 120.
Elemental Wand 114 TMA sold for A/W. Added 1/1/1/1 RoA and 8 INT 16 MATT Maple Shield. Edit: Maple Shield sold for A/W.
Adjusted prices, @DeluxeCake you have won the bid on the RoA. The ring has been reserved for you. Added perfect clean Casters Claw. Edit: passed a 30% on the Casters.