Has there been a conclusion on at what point of attack the ST overpowers 1h + shield. I saw lots of numbers ranging from - 105 att from gloves, shoes, cape, and potion - 35 attack from gloves, shoes, and cape - 15 att shoes/cape and 20 attack glove etc. etc. in the threads that talked abou it on here. Do we know at what point it is worth going ST over 1h+shield (ignoring the part where the shield is an extra expense) or are we still not totally sure. Everyones calcs seem to be different
Use what ever weapon makes you happy, if that's means you wanna be a 2H Blunt Wep Hero more power to you. In the end of the day you will be able to white any scrublord with any wep.
Stonetooth with Apples>1h+Shield with Apples 1h+Shield with Energizer>Stonetooth with Energizer Either invest in some Onyx Apples and get a decent Stonetooth or use that Onyx Apple money and get yourself a nice 1h+Shield