Hmm, u earn about 70% of the exp (compared to solo 1hit leech) by splitting, so if we use "the logic" the 2hit solo leech would be 50% of the exp compared to solo 1hit, maybe a bit more, because usually 2hitters are lower lv than 1hitters, but, split 1hit is better after all. so if u cant afford solo 1hit, go for split 1hit. much better
In my experience, split is ~85% of solo (ofc this depends on lv of leecher and split partner). 2hit is not necessarily 50% of 1hit--sometimed more, sometimes less, depending on leech location (e.g. Gobies is more, ulu1 is less due to stuns). Still, I would always recommend 1hit split over 2hit solo.
I don't think 2 hit= 50% exp since you have to wait a few seconds for the mobs to spawn again (also 2 hit can be like 50% chance to 1 hit too or being much lower lvl than the 1 hit seller so you gain more exp) Split is about 85% with 2 players and around 70 with 3 (from last time I checked)