2nd job hard times discussion.

Discussion in 'Off Topic / Spam / Test' started by ExplodeBags, Oct 28, 2023.

  1. ExplodeBags

    ExplodeBags Member

    Oct 28, 2023
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    As you know, not all classes get a mobbing skill upon reaching level 30 (2nd job). These classes are:

    Fire poison wizard

    I might missed a few more, but these 3, I'm sure dont get mobbing skill at all.

    Anyone have played these classes, how was it to level up without a mobbing skill? I can imagine it wasnt easy.
  2. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    Assassins/Hermits have a very, very, very easy time grinding because Haste, Flash Jump and jump ranged attacks.
    They are generally also very strong on early levels.
    L7 (and TT) damage is only depending on Luk and Watk, so you can fully skip Mastery and get Crit+Haste instead before level 50 and get Maple Weapons + cheap LUK gear. On my Ironman NL, I have farmed 60k nx per day before 3rth job from low level area bosses.
    During 3rth job, Hymes and Galloperas are so insanely perfect maps to grind for Hermits. Just dont die to Crow or starving pet because you zoned out while grinding.
    It's 4rth job where they fall off due to Avenger not scaling hard enough to keep up.

    Poison can be very op if used correctly, IL mages are arguably one of best 2nd job for grinding. Compared to those they ultra suck, but so does everything else.
    Clerics can go so hard afk at zombies with heal, you can hold a single key for however long you want.
    Sure, they get the shorter stick for solo grinding during 2nd. But honestly all you need is teleport.
    Then at 3rth job they get poison mist, soooooo yknow. Its fine.

    Havent played a Bandit on early levels, tho I have never heard someone ever complain about them. Then they get Meso Explosion at 3rth, wich is so op it crazy.

    Pirates mb? Idk, have never played one yet.

    Regardless, first 80 levels are so easy for any class. Check the guide: Quests worth doing 2.0, it'll take you less than a week.
    Then usually most classes get a big power spike until level ~100.
    I've found 110-120 the most painful levels for any class so far.

    I've leeched mine to 135 but I feel like its the Archers that are the most horrible to grind with in general. No mobility, no avoid, terrible melee range options.
    My BM is level 160 something and it still feels like this.

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