I'm coming back after a long break my main is a 94 priest I would like to continue lvling and maybe fund a bm or drk down the road. But would it be better to gach that 300k or sell ap resets? I know gach is always a risk but does it usually have a good pay out?
I would definitely go with gach since you've got a chance at making lots of profit. If you want stable outcome from gach, you should probably gach at Shrine since you can get lots of valuable scrolls and even a chance to obtain a chaos scroll. Or you could even divide up your cash in maybe 2 or 3 different places so you can try winning a variety of valuable things. Selling 300k nx worth of AP resets could take a while but it is definitely a very stable option to make profit.
I think I read the top 2 most valuable places are Nlc and shrine. If I wanted to add a third what would be a good choice. Also how much are resets going for in game now.
Another good choice would be Showa because of those highly valuable shield m.att 60 scrolls, sky skis, red markers, maple leaves (untradable) and more! AP resets generally for about 9m each