pizzamkpitza's road to monster book complation __________________________________________ ✨completed sets: 485/494 ✨ completed sets by colors: red: 15/15 Spoiler: red section orange: 61/61 Spoiler: orange section light green: 95/95 Spoiler: light green section green: 71/71 Spoiler: green section light blue: 55/55 Spoiler: light blue section blue: 34/36 purple: 40/40 Spoiler: purple section black: 43/47 yellow: 71/74 current medal: legendary collector __________________________________________ updates log Spoiler: september 24 15/09/24: completed batoo set (orange) completed chrippy set (light green) completed roloduck set (light green) completed sloctopus set (light green) completed panda teddy set (light green) completed helly set (light green) 16/09/24 completed protolord set (black) completed scuba pepe set (light green) completed lorang set (light green) completed king bloctopus set (light green) completed jr. seal set (light green) 17/09/24 completed triple rumo set (light green) completed frankenroid set (yellow) completed gatekeeper set (black) completed planey set (light green) completed tweeter set (light green) 18/09/2024 completed qualm monk set (black) 19/09/2024 completed toy trojan set (light green) 20/09/2024 completed poison poopa set (light green) completed qualm monk trainee set (black) completed qualm guardian set (black) completed cheif qualm guardian set (black) completed oblivion monk set (black) completed lilynouch set (yellow) 21/09/2024 completed lyka set (yellow) completed mavrick a set (black) completed chipmunk set (light green) completed python set (green) completed red porky set (light green) completed black porky set (light green) completed desert giant set (light green) completed iron mutae set (light green) completed reinforced iron mutae set (light green) completed jr cerebes set (light green) completed master robo set (light green) 23/09/2024 completed blue mushmom set (yellow) 24/09/24 completed goby set (blue) 25/09/24 completed left pianus set (yellow) 26/09/24 completed right pianus set (yellow) 28/09/24 completed mu gong merits set (yellow) completed copper drake set (light green) completed iron boar set (light green) completed red flower serpent set (light green) completed blue flower serpent set (light green) completed dark cloud foc set (light green) completed water goblin set (green) completed extra b set (green) 29/09/24 completed extra a set (light green) completed freezer [cbd] (light green) completed pac pinky set (green) completed octobunny set (light green) completed emo slime set (green) completed chlorotrap set (light green) completed black goat set (light green) completed cow set (light green) completed plow ox set (light green) completed black sheep set (light green) 30/09/24 completed fire tusk set (light green) completed nightmare set (light green) completed typhon set (purple) completed baby typhon set (light green) completed dark stone golem set (green) completed jr boofgie 1 set (light green) Spoiler: october 24 01/10/24 completed tortie set (green) 02/10/24 completed chief gray set (green) 03/10/24 completed dark nependeath set (green) completed cellion set (green) completed lioner set (green) completed grupin set (green) 05/10/24 completed rombot set (green) completed jar set (green) completed ginseng jar set (green) completed bellflower root set (green) completed sr bellflower root set (green) completed mithril mutae set (green) completed reinforced mithril mutae set (green) completed straw target dummy set (green) completed wooden target dummy set (green) completed peach monkey set (light blue) completed reindeer set (green) completed hogul set (green) 06/10/24 completed clang set (green) completed firebomb set (green) completed stone golem set (green) completed hector set (green) completed pepe set (green) 07/10/24 completed black crow set (yellow) 09/10/24 completed red drake set (green) 13/10/24 completed inmcense burner demon set (purple) completed temple block monster set (purple) 15/10/24 completed boogie set (light green) 18/10/24 completed maverick y set (black) completed tippo blue set (green) completed tippo red set (green) completed capt latanica set (yellow) completed mt-09 set (green) completed dead scarecrow set (green) completed voodoo set (green) completed hoodoo set (green) completed sophilia doll set (green) completed mixed golem set (green) completed extra c set (green) completed leader a set (light blue) completed nightghost set (green) 20/10/24 completed leader b set (light blue) completed imperial guard set (black) completed morphed blin set (green) completed yeti and pepe set (blue) completed dark pepe set (light blue) completed dark jr yeti set (green) 21/10/24 completed bain set (blue) completed female boss set (yellow) completed wulin yaoseng set (yellow) 22/10/24 completed eruwater set (black) 24/10/24 completed wulin yaoseng set (black) 26/10/24 completed bearwolf set (black) 27/10/24 completed crimson guardian set (black) 29/10/24 completed twisted jester set (light blue) 30/10/24 completed hsalf set (yellow) completed dark cornian set (purple) 31/10/24 completed rexton set (purple) Spoiler: november 24 02/11/24 completed furious scarlion boss set (yellow) 04/11/24 completed furious targa set (yellow) 12/11/24 completed horntail set (yellow) 15/11/24 completed core blaze set (yellow) 16/11/24 completed royal guard set (yellow) 17/11/24 completed yellow king goblin set (light blue) 18/11/24 completed frozen rose set (black) 20/11/24 completed summoned auf haven set (yellow) 21/11/24 completed nibergen set (yellow) 24/11/24 completed master gawyllacs set (yellow) 25/11/24 completed dunas v1 set (yellow) completed auf haven set (yellow) 27/11/24 completed vergamot set (yellow) 28/11/24 completed keymaster rousseanu set (black) Spoiler: december 24 07/12/24 completed margana set (yellow) completed king castle golem set (yellow) 18/12/24 completed ergoth set (yellow) 21/12/24 completed von leon set (yellow) completed dunas v2 set (yellow) completed lazy buffy set (light blue) completed buffy set (light blue) completed deep buffoon set (blue) completed buffoon set (light blue) completed dark klock set (blue) completed klock set (light blue) completed sage cat set (light blue) completed mr. alli set (light blue) completed kru set (light blue) completed captain set (light blue) completed rash set (light blue) completed dark rash set (light blue) completed hobi set (light blue) completed beetle set (light blue) completed homunculus set (light blue) completed homun set (light blue) completed d.roy set (light blue) completed red slime set (light blue) completed wild kargo set (light blue) completed dark drake set (light blue) completed castellan set (yellow) 22/12/24 completed jr. lucida set (light blue) completed firebrand set (blue) completed windraider set (light blue) completed cerebes set (light blue) completed garden golem set (black) completed thanatos set (black) completed dark yeti set (light blue) completed kaede toad set (black) completed female burglar set (purple) 23/12/24 completed death teddy set (blue) completed phantom watch set (purple) 24/12/24 completed ghost pirate set (blue) completed dual ghost pirate set (blue) completed master death teddy set (blue) completed dual beetle set (blue) completed green hobi set (blue) completed hankie set (blue) completed dual birk set (blue) completed blue dragon turtle set (blue) completed red dragon turtle (purple) completed brexton set (purple) completed petrifighter set (black) 26/12/24 completed maverick v set (black) completed overlord set (black) completed grim phantom watch (purple) completed gigantic spirit viking set (purple) 30/12/24 completed male burglar set (purple) Spoiler: january 25 01/01/25 completed giant eagle set 06/01/25 completed bone fish set (purple) completed cold shark set (purple) completed shark set (purple) completed risell squid set (purple) completed squid set (purple) completed white tiger set (blue) completed black bear set (blue) completed wolf spider set (blue) completed elderwraith set (purple) 07/01/25 completed montrecer set (purple) completed duku set (black) 10/01/25 completed rellik set (yellow) 13/01/25 completed nameless magic monster set (yellow) 21/01/25 completed red nirg set (yellow) 22/01/25 completed male boss set (purple) 24/01/25 completed homunscullo set (blue) completed dark yeti and pepe set (blue) completed tauromacis set (light blue) completed lycanthrope set (blue) completed werewolf set (light blue) 26/01/25 completed taurospear set (light blue) completed crimson tree set (light blue) Spoiler: february 25 11/02/25 completed blood reindeer set (black) completed small bronze monk set (black) completed bronze monk set (black) 14/02/25 completed giant silver monk set (black) completed silver monk set (black) completed giant gold monk set (black) completed small gold monk set (black) 15/02/25 completed mini castle golems set (black) 16/02/25 completed black bird set (purple) 24/02/25 completed jr gargoyle set (light blue) __________________________________________ i've stared my collector journy way back in maple island when i found my first blue snail card. i asked around about what it is and refused to leave the island untill i got most sets done there. after maple island i just randomly collected sets of mobs i've encountered, sometimes i wouldnt bother finishing sets as i planned to come back some other time and complete them. though recently i started collecting by the order they appear in the book, which is why i have the lower tier ones completed (ie red and orange sections of the book) and rest are barely half finished. i have also been putting most of my focus on collecting as much sets as i can in the yellow section (bosses), with emphasise on the pq bosses. so far the hardest sets i did with the worst spawn rate (1 or 2 in a map) are the fairy 1 and batoo (orange section), and frankroid (yellow section) which is part of the RnJpq that is super hard to recruit. my ultimate and final goal is to finish the book completly (-pb for now f4), even after the legendary medal. until then, the smaller goal is 400 sets.
with the end of tot questline i also completed all the mobs there including the remaining 2 bosses, moving on to the next cards!
sorry if you werent able to find any pianus in the past few days, ive been farming and keeping track of spawns with some friends. pianus completed, on to the next one
another set that was very challenging, but i completed it. honestly if not for beccas lil note next to the location (from the monster book guide thread) i probably wasnt as motivated to complete it as i was. on to the next one!
this set right here took me around 2 weeks to complete but i couldnt be more satisfied with completing it
IT FINALLY HAPPENED! got my 5th vl card and 400th set, legendary is finally here! but i am not finished quite yet! the grind continues till the whole book is complete (-pb f7)
completed cwk set, that leaves bg1 3 bosses left to complete yellow section (-pb) other than that, 27 sets left till book complation!
i had to fight for my life to get each one of these f3 (also reached lvl 200 the same run) gotta finish gargoyle next
finally got around to finish the last card of purple section (and looted an 8att mon ) my next goal (which shouldnt be too hard i was just too lazy to grind it) is the krex mob from blue section
dont. even. ask. (was also last light blue card so theres that) im just glad im done with this! 9 sets to go!
I won't be the only one with the complete book of monsters anymore. The card I found the most difficult was Mingu