Hello everyone, So I have been reading around and found multiple answers about this skill. Some say, when max it gives 26 weapon attack, some says 15 only. Some say it stacks with other potion attacks, and some states that it doesn't, but it just won't override it if the attack potion is higher (like: heart-stopper). So what is exactly, as of now, the current situation for this skill? My dark knight is lvl 145 now, and I am starting to add skill points now to the other not so much important skills (Achilles, Hex or Heal of Beholder), and it is driving me crazy. Thank you for your time and help.
1. It's been experimented and confirmed to only give 15 wep att buff. 2. It does NOT stack with other att pots. 3. It does NOT override stronger pots. 4. Recommended skill tree for Drk's 4th job would be lvl 1 rush -> lvl 10 beholder -> lvl 30 berserk -> lvl 30 stance - > lvl 10 MW -> lvl 30 achilles -> lvl 25 Hex -> lvl 25 Aura -> rush 30 with MW 20 fitting anywhere inbetween
Achilles helps with berserk. In cases where you don't have 30k hp yet or you manual pot it makes it a lot easier. I can confirm hex only gives +15 weapon attack when its maxed which is more than the warrior pot at +12 weapon attack I think. It will remove buffs/pots lower than 15 attack but will not remove buffs/pots higher than 15 attack. The other buffs it gives I find useful such as I think +25 accuracy and +50 avoid. Max hex will give attack buff, accuracy buff, avoid buff, and defense buffs but you don't get the full effect until it's maxed. Max achilles will reduce damage making it easier to berserk or tank. In my case I did max achilles then max hex. I'm a 180 dk that manual pots so achilles helped me berserk from bosses that hit higher like shao or cwk bosses.