7 Att BFC 700m or offer - 6 Att BFC 400m or offer - clean FS 650m or offer - 35 str 6 dex warrior OA 1b or offer - 26 int 7 luk starlight 300m or offer - 30 int 6 luk red starlight 500m or offer - 7 dex 11 luk perfect red pirate top 150m or offer - IGN's - S/b 1B each: posted in community name selling/buying thread https://royals.ms/forum/threads/community-name-selling-buying-thread.140915/page-24 Accept: @ 470m @ 470m @ 1B Leave comment or contact me in game and I will post bid for you here. *I reserve the right to sell/not sell any item at any time*