What up ya’ll? I have a lvl 80 Priest that I am close to maxing HS on. I have been at GS since 55 and my soul is slowly dying from the repetition. I have seen suggestions on going to Himes or WS with people around my level, but my issue is that everyone seems to be either way higher level than me or they are just getting leeched. I can’t afford leech as this is my first character and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on where I should go next? I have a 21 int zhelm, 16 int overall, some decent gloves and earrings, and a decent cape. I tried the Death Teddys and Black Kents, but they have a ton of HP. It seems I still just level faster at GS because of the density of mobs and the time to kill. I may be wrong because I can’t play all that much through the week because of work, but it seems like no one is really grouping to grind at my level because this server has been around for so long that everyone is funded enough to leech. Help ya boy out with some suggestions if you have any, I don’t really want to start a new character at this point because honestly I think this whole HP washing system that seems to be the norm is terrible. Thank you in advance!
I was at GS6 for a bit until I could tank 2 hits from Himes. Didn't really go the "MaxHS looking for free Leech" route since it takes time to get going. Time which I used to grind.