What does "Map Ownership" mean? How do you take advantage of it? Also, why does my Husky never stay out? It seems like every other map I have to reclick him to spawn. Thanks!!
Being an owner of a map means that no one should attack the monsters in the map except for you and the people you allow. You keep map ownership as long as you are actively attacking monsters there. If nothing is hit within 3 minutes, the map is free and the next attacker will take map ownership. Pets do reset every time you log off (I think) but I'm sure someone else would be more familiar with this. Your pets can get stuck on certain maps so when you change maps make sure to jump on a rope to warp your pet to you beforehand.
Thanks a lot appreciate it about the map ownership part As for the pet part I think it may be a bug, I've played for over 12 years I'm familiar with the pets being caught but usually they vac to you after any obstruction, but mine just straight up goes away and I have to redo it
Yes, it is a bug! Sometimes here pets get stuck yet they do not warp to you and the only way to get them back to you is to jump on a rope so it vacs to you. However, if you change maps and the pet was previously stuck in the map you were in, they won't be there in the map you move to. Again, I'm not certain about this and I'm sure someone else on the forums will answer this question with a definite answer!