definetly need to improve the editing , I would take exampes from aaon and banghero's vids , but overall , pretty nice I wish you good luck. btw I don't recommend filming a leech , theres no content xD
One more improvement is you could give an episode to each video you make, and a specific content you're targeting. Doing so would yield you more viewers. E.g. MapleRoyals Episode 1 - Disturbing GM!, MapleRoyals Episode 2 - Gachapon at Shrine!
Thanks for the tip. Ya I know the editing is not that great. I just start to work with Sony Vegas so my editing is basic. takes alot of time and work to edit a nice shot like aaon and banhero. Thanks for commenting. I saw other YouTubers using it. I might do it too. Sure, when ever you want just message me in game