Hi, my account has been banned for verbal abuse even though I said nothing on it. My brother and I were playing yesterday and he said something homophobic in all chat (that was directed at me). The specific conversation went like this (Jidonbo being me, HoboHutt being my brother) Jidonbo: is every1 ready (we were KPQing) HoboHutt: yeah go fgt (I'm sure you can infer the slur) I'm pretty sure the other two in our party reported him for saying fgt in all chat (since it is against the rules and one of the two people said "wow, why is everybody so homophobic in this server?"), but IMO it was not malicious as it was not targeted at anybody (except maybe me). Despite the fact that I thought it was not breaking the rules, I have read up on the rules and realized what he did was a bannable offense and understand that, but for some reason, my account has also been banned. I assume I am banned because we were playing from the same IP, but I believe it's a bit unfair for me to be banned (for 3 days, aka first offense) due to the actions of my brother. If I knew he was going to say that, I would have told him to whisper me or just say it in real life (since we were in the same room). If you don't believe I have a brother, I'm not really sure how to prove it, but the chat logs should show us both doing the KPQ and talking at the same time (aka 2 people playing). Any help would be appreciated, and if you really can't do anything, that's unfortunate, but I'll just play something else for a few days. edit for proper format: Character Name: Jidonbo Last thing you did: Nothing, but my brother used profane language Why do you think you got banned: because I was on the same IP as my brother (no longer am, back at my place) Ban message: reason given on notice is "Your account has been temporarily banned due to profane language" GM: Daniel. Full message: "Daniel temporarily banned hobohutt (not my character or account QQ)
We cannot unban you while also keeping your brother banned, our bans are by IP. I apologize for the inconvenience but you will have to wait this one out.
Ah I see, that sucks but I understand. Worst part is he quit the game too even though it was his own fault for getting banned lmao. Thanks anyway. edit: if I make a new account from this IP (my place in a different city) can I play on it or no? edit2: nvm back to doto for me