IGN: FantasyPrime Problem: Account hacked Details: Logged in after a few months not playing and found that my meso and NX are gone. I am missing a few other items and equipment as well (can't remember which exactly but I definitely remember I had a scrolled Elemental Wand 5, purple coloured). The odd thing is my equipped weapon and cape (both scrolled) haven't been touched. I do not know when this happened as I have been inactive for the past few months. I only found out about this this week. I lost ~150M and around 400k NX are missing; 2.3k NX was left. I am sure I had ~400k NX when I last voted because it was around the time when the cash shop was closed but players were still allowed to vote at the beginning of 2017. I cannot confirm exactly what items I lost, but as mentioned before, I had a scrolled Elemental Wand 5, which is now missing. Is there anything a GM can do to help me right now?
We have a backup of your inventory as of July 23. I don't know whether or not you have played since then, but would you be willing to let us roll your inventory back to how it was as of that date? Please note, your mesos would not be affected by this roll back.
Thanks for getting back to me. I have been playing since the beginning of August. Are you saying that July 23 is before I got hacked and lost my items and meso? I wouldn't want to have my inventory rolled back only to see that my items and meso are not there. I would have to start from zero again
Most people who were hacked were hacked on July 24. Therefore, we are rolling people who have claimed to be hacked back to July 20th or July 23rd. I imagine your items (mesos are not being rolled back) would be in one of those backups.
Sorry I haven't been able to give you a prompt reply. Would it be possible to perform the rollback to July 20th instead of July 23rd, just to be safe? And could you update me the situation on my NX? I had lost upwards of 400k NX I believe. Thanks again!
But my tma 170+ purple coloured elemental wand is still not there. The other things that were missing came back, but not the wand? Just want to understand why...
Maybe because u got it on 21? I lost 9int ywg,10int wodden wand, clean fs because of that, doubt they gonna refund it ...
But I still got back other items that I lost together with that wand... If those came back, why not my wand?
But I still got back other items that I lost together with that wand... If those came back, why not my wand? I bought the wand waaaay before 21 July... I wasn't active since April!
Whatever then. Not a big deal now that I have the capacity to earn meso quickly. Just takes some time. I'll buy another one.