Currently, through Reuel's Elixir of Life quest, players have a daily chance to get potions that raise your max HP between 10-50 HP, for an average of a 30 HP gain. This is quite stable of an HP "income", has replaced HP washing for many (thank you Royals Staff), and adds a bit of a thrill to quest completion when you don't know just how much HP you'll be getting. But even though it provides very stable max HP increases, it still feels quite low at a day-to-day perceptual level. Unlike all the other kinds of grinding in MapleStory (i.e. levelling, scrolling, purchasing equips), there isn't as much of a big "hit" to help signify that you've hit a milestone, or visual/auditory feedback to indicate you won a big reward. So even if you don't mind doing the grind for the HP Potions, it can feel even more tedious than usual, even compared to a simple level up. So what could be done about this? Well, let's look at the psychological trick that all modern game developers love using these days - gambling mechanics! A lot of people on this server love the gambling-like hit you get from gaching and scrolling. People will do a lot just to get their fix. So, what if that "jackpot chance" feeling was also harnessed to increase incentive to grind for Elixir of Life HP Potions more? What if there was a really rare chance for people to get a potion that gave something like 200HP when the quest is turned in? This would add an additional thrill to turning in the daily quest, as you might have a chance to hit it big. Potential Impacts: - Psychologically incentivize and reward people to actually do their daily HP Quest grind more. - Adding an additional daily source of dopamine for players needing their fix, that would only require their time and grinding labour (rather than voting or mesos). - All other impacts involved with having alternatives to traditional washing, such as more people actually playing the game instead of having to leech at earlier levels, or demand for AP Resets and INT gear decreasing to some degree as more people may prefer to do the HP Quest instead of washing. - Unlike gaching, this kind of "jackpot" wouldn't be injecting tradable items into the economy. While it won't act as a meso sink, it may not have as much impact on the economy as adding tradable items would. Implementation Considerations: - A feature like this should probably only be added for the dailies phase of the HP Quest, not during the unlimiteds phase. This would prevent people from trying to quickly do their unlimiteds in one day to get the HP "jackpots", to retain the value of the work required to get higher amounts of HP. - The "jackpot" chance should be a bit rarer than gaching jackpots, to retain the effort value of getting high max HP, but needs to be low enough that people feel they actually have a chance at it. - Unsure of how "induced demand" would work here, as if APRs and INT gear are lowered, there may be more people who feel that it is cheaper to do that instead.
Counterpoint: why add it to reuel, instead of perhaps some new source? I'm all for a variety of HP sources, as long as they're all similar effort per HP gained
This seems like it could work well with the hp/mp elixirs from rose garden exchange. Those things need a buff desperately anyways imo. Doing a full rg for just 20hp (assuming you get 20bees, otherwise it's even less) is pretty sad But what if... JACKPOT CHANCE???