Looking to upgrade my equipment. Have only 3b to spend. Not sure what I'm supposed to be upgrading thats cost efficient for damage. Equipment: Zhelm: 16/15/33/15 (will probably get a scar hat) Earrings 7dex White Pioneer 27str 6dex LVL 60 glove 7str 8dex 8att LVL 60 Shoes 7str 18dex NO CAPE Edit: 3.5b budget Hat 16str/32dex Earring:12dex Eye: 2str/1dex Face: 6dex 7slot maple leaf OA: 27str/6dex Pendant:23str/22dex Blue Belt: 3/6 Cape: 10att Glove:15att Shoe:7str/18dex Rings: almighty 3str/3dex circle of ancient strength 3str/3dex Current Stats: Not sure when I should take out my the remainder of my int since I don't really have a specific HP goal in mind. No looking for a weapon right now. Any advice would be great!
Sair player here~ In general att > stats for cost efficiency so I will be focusing on that. Get a 15 wa glove, those are like 700m now, those will be your main pair for a loooooooong time and 15 wa is quite good too. Get 10 wa cape for 2b~ ish. Definitely not having any sort of cape will hurt. If you can't find a decently priced 10 wa cape, go for 9 wa and save your meso to upgrade your overall. Have 300m left over for upgrading 7 dex earring to 10 dex (45-50m, gets a lot more expensive per dex after 10-11 dex so don't need a better earring for a while). Your shoes are fine, equivalent to 4-5 wa shoes, going to be really expensive to upgrade those to 7-8 wa (2-2.5b I think? Prices changing a lot lately so I am not sure). Keep working on your belt slowly. Your helm is decent actually, yeah just do scarlion until you get a better helm, no rush to improve your current helm though. Edit: I misread, it's INT helm? If that's the case then get another helm asap. Scarlion is a little better but you only get 2 helms per run versus 2-4 helms from zak helm. You also get some decent xp from zakum so up to you to decide which is a better use of your time. I would look to prepare to upgrade your overall to 45~ total stats later (would be over budget for now, but worthwhile upgrade). I am not 100% sure on STR pirate overall prices since I use DEX overall for my sair, but you should be able to afford something around that range for 1-2b. Edit: Not as neat as I would have wanted it to be, but hope it's of some help
Cool, so I bought the 15wa glove, but I’m also wondering if getting a MoN is worth it. The HTP is pretty useful because of the 23 STR so I could wear my Gun.
If you do cwkpq regularly then go ahead go for relooting MoN, but the difference between MoN and HTP is not that significant. For now keep your HTP, you're going to need to replace that extra STR before you can wear MoN. I personally prefer HTP for the avoid bonus but that is just me.