Character Name: BruceD. and distorted Last thing you did: Just read Why do you think you got banned?: Account sharing Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional): n/a I thought hard all day at work today about if I should post this appeal or not. I figured I may as well give it a chance even after many people told me that it would be for nothing. Im not here to lie about anything so if I leave out anything that could be misconstrued as me trying to lie about anything let me know. I woke up this morning and checked maple before getting ready for work as I do everyday. I noticed that BruceD was no longer logged in, and after trying to relog i realized the account had been blocked. My hero was still logged in before I hopped in the shower, but after checking once more before leaving I noticed that the same thing happened to him. These were my main 2 characters. I joined royals in 2016 and made my hero then. BruceD is a character that was created by a friend of mine years ago. My friend Steve, or known to many others as Bruce, is the one that introduced me to Maplestory back in 2008. Its really hard to talk about this and to have it be here forever for everyone to see, but unfortunately someone who I could call a brother took his life 3 weeks ago. So many seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years of talking to each other. We were both there for each other when we felt like nobody else was. After this moment in my life I decided to put everything I had with my time off working into a character that he created on Royals. I had already been playing on my hero before it happened, but playing his character became sort of a coping mechanism for me. He was a level 61 priest with no gear when I started, but I was able to get him up to 119 before this happened. There was no bad intentions. I understand that this is supposed to be written by the person who owns the account. I honestly didn't even think that what I was doing was wrong. If that wasn't that case why would I have posted a screenshot clearly admitting to it. I'll admit to being a dumbass for posting what I posted, but I was just so proud and in the moment. To be 100% honest this situation was sort of heartbreaking to me. Im not looking for pity but it just sucks to be stripped of your means of coping with something like that. Only reason for me putting effort into this is to seek some sort of compromise other than permanently banning my late friend's, and my own accounts. If any additional information is needed let me know. Thank you
A comment left on my profile prior to the posting of this appeal: If this is a valid argument I would like to pursue it I can provide any and all information, and/or evidence.
Before I give a final verdict, how did you manage to have his account information to be able to log into his character in the first place?
We were friends for well over 10 years purely through the internet. We both knew each other’s passwords throughout the years of playing countless different games together. His username was never a question either. When I first logged in it had me register the pic and pin myself. If you need more info let me know please
I’ve also been in contact with his family and everything helping them with whatever. His sister even gave me the the opportunity to have something said at his funeral which of course i had to take. It goes deep man and honestly I don’t mind if this shit is out there anymore. I told her I got banned bc she knew I had been playing his character, but she failed to understand the reasoning behind it. Idk man I know I don’t really have much of a chance here but i figured may as well try to tell my story. I don’t even know what to do with my time off work anymore honestly all i’ve been doing is watching this thread and being disappointed
Unfortunately, taking ownership of another person's account is not allowed here, no matter the circumstances. Account sharing rules are in place so that no one can gain an unfair advantage over others, and must be enforced unilaterally, regardless of the reasoning for doing it.
Why did it have me register the pin and pic myself ? Why is my first offense a permanent hwid ip ban? Why even ask me an additional question just to give me a cookie cutter reply ?
The game let you register a PIN and PIC because the account must not have been used since those were implemented. In cases of Major Account Sharing, it is a permanent ban because there was an unfair advantage gained by the player(s) involved. I am very sorry to hear about your friend, but the fact is that you took over an account that was not yours and that is breaking the rules of Major Account Sharing and subject to a permanent ban from the game.
I’ve been nothing but honest here. I read the ToS about account sharing it says the first offense is 30 days , major infractions being permanent. What major infraction did i commit that resulted in a permanent ban rather than a 30 day ?
I had no advantage to gain i literally had a character at the same level and class but chose to play his as a form of coping with something i’ve never had to deal with
We never said what you said was lies. The fact that you had access to his account information and decided to level the character for long enough to reach 119 from 61 qualifies as a major account sharing offense. There is nothing further to discuss on this case, which is why it was closed. To repeat what Muff said above, I’m sorry that your friend passed away, but it still doesn’t mean you could log onto an account that wasn’t yours.