I don't know if this is logistically possible but if it is, I'm sure a lot of players would love this feature. If you d/c during the boss run, you spawn in the exit map where the npc allows you to re-enter the map, usable twice/day. To prevent abuse, 1. You may only re-enter if your ign is on the expedition list for that channel. 2. If you d/c while dead, you automatically respawn in El nath or Leafre. 3. Put a short timer in the exit map so people can't d/c on purpose and relog to buff up from their camped mules. I'm sure there are other ways to prevent abuse but I just want the general idea to be considered. Sorry if this idea was already posted in the past. edit: I guess a big flaw with this is that people could just re-enter when the boss is almost dead...
This has been suggested before, and is open to many loopholes, one of which is thieves running out of stars.
Your 3rd abuse counter would prevent people from re-entering when the boss is almost dead no? Perhaps a 30 seconds timer would do. I have not seen the previous suggestion of this so I'm not aware of any other abuses that could occur, but for this specific problem, you can disable trade, drop or even skill in the exit map? Just like how the current lounge is.
I meant as in people would d/c on purpose during zak arms and then wait 15min, relog back on 3rd body. Unless the timer starts when you d/c...
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/automatic-rewarp-for-boss-run-dc.115039/ I thought I covered all the loopholes in this thread yet I haven't had any feedback from staff. Have I missed something there?
You didn't really give much reasoning or explanation for the suggestion in your post. Is it impossible for your to boss currently? Or do you often D/C during boss runs? If so, have you tried following the common graphic-changing procedure and other methods to avoid D/C'ing that have been suggested on the forum?
I upgraded to windows 10 from 7 a few days ago and have d/ced from almost every boss I've fought that takes over 15min. I made this post because I almost never d/ced with win7 so I didn't really care for this idea until it started actually happening to me. Yes, I'm currently experimenting with solutions including vmware, disabling nvidia drivers, etc but am running into a few problems that I hope to resolve.