This is a question regarding HEROES hp washing to 30k hp. I have been looking at threads regarding hp washing and also asking around for more information. This is how I understand it and please correct me if anything is wrong. Goal: 30k HP by 135(? if possible...) I have seen two different HP washing methods and I was wondering which would be best for a hero? #1 method 1. Level up, put all 5 AP into hp 2. AP reset, -mp, +str #2 method 1. level up, put all 5 AP into str 2. AP reset, -mp, +hp I have a bishop that I will be using to leech and lend my INT gear to for my hero. Do heroes hp washing need to even have base INT? I can try to pull ~120 INT from gear. Thats enough for 3 washes per level up and would give me ~150 hp. If anyone could please correct it that would be great. Also, if I am hoping to finish 30k hp by level 135, is there a specific formula or anything that I need to know about that? I was looking for a super simple tutorial in like small steps on how to properly HP wash a hero to 30k by 135 or the earliest possible. Thanks in advance!
First method. Fresh AP gives more. You also need to put in at least one point into HP to even reset out of MP.
Ah okay. I did miss that part about opening up the MP pool. Do you know if it matters when I start to reset out of mp and back into str? Like can I wait until 135 and just keep pumping the new 5 Ap into hp till then?
I thought fresh AP gave more too, but I was corrected. AP reset HP gives more HP What you should do is put one fresh AP into HP at lv 30, and just keep leveling up with your int gear (I recommend ~140 if you want 30k by 135). But really, you don't need 30k until 155. Zak hardly does any damage. And whenever you want to HP wash, just use an AP reset - MP +HP do this cycle until you hit your desired goal then -MP +Str
So the second method then? Level up, add AP into str, then later ap reset to -mp and +hp? And also, why should I put one fresh ap into hp at lvl 30? Is that to open up the MP pool for me to ap reset -mp out of it?
Ya you'll gain more from the second method Fresh AP gives 50-54, hp from AP resets give 50-55. Yea it's to allow you to do -mp +hp
2nd method, according to this guide. It doesn't make a huge difference (avg 52 vs 52.5 hp, but it helps. Note that it's the other way around for thief classes. Good luck hp washing!
So the consensus is: 1. Level up, add all 5 AP into str 2. When I have enough MP and ready, use AP reset to -mp and +hp Is there a recommended level where I should be ready to begin using AP resets to -mp? Also, I have calculated the INT gear from my current bishop that I can lend over to the hero for washing. +15 bandana +7 rac mask +10 lvl 25 cape +12 gloves +3 yss +5 deputy +12 earrings +11 shield +20 bathrobe +7 common wand total: 102 int I was thinking of putting 18 base int to get 120 int for 12 MP gained and 3 washes per level. Will this be enough for the goal of 30k hp?
You dont have to wash until 135, unless you want a zhelm at 50. But imo, it's better to just do it starting at lv 30 after 2nd job adv. since you'd be doing it anyway, and having more hp will give you a much easier time. And at 135, I barely had enough MP for 30k washing with 140 int . Having extra MP isn't too bad too. Saves you negligible MP pot money
Yeah, I plan on doing it right away or at level 30. Is there a reason why you said specifically level 30? Would it make a difference if I started at level 10? Also, maybe I can wait until 140 to get the 30k? I want to stick with 120 INT since thats an even number for 12 MP per level and resulting in exactly 3 washes haha. Also when you said I don't have to wait until level 135 to wash, does that mean everytime I level, I could just use the AP reset -mp and +hp right away? Like for example at level 31 etc.
30 is when you'd gain the most from washing. And you definitely can't do it from 10 because of improved HP. You can even wait until 155 for full 30k. Tbh, it's a waste of resets to do full 30k at 135 because as I said earlier, you'd only need to tank zak/krex/bf/crow/anego(if you plan on doing those), which is easy enough with 25k HP. And yes, you don't have to wait until 135. You can start at 31
Why do you want 30k hp at level 135? You do realize by washing to 30k at 135 you're missing out on 65 levels of FREE HP? If you assume you're gaining the bare minimum hp per level (50), that's AT LEAST 3250 hp, which is equal to 585mil in resets (if you buy them at 9mil each). 50 is the minimum hp you can gain per level and you're probably gonna gain more than 3250 hp in 65 levels so realistically you're looking at more money lost in resets. You don't need 30k hp at 135 anyways, I'm currently level 166 with 18k hp and I don't struggle with bosses whatsoever, even when I'm sed for ht without hb I do just fine. If I were you I'd aim for 30k at 200 to min/max your money.
So I would do that by just wearing INT gear everytime I level up? I don't understand what you mean by "missing out" on the free hp. Please explain, thank you!
Each time you level up, you get 50-65ish free HP, without any washing. But if you reach 30k HP, you won't get more HP by leveling up. In that way you're "missing out" on free HP
Ohhhhh okay! I see what that means now haha. Sorry! That does make a lot of sense. So if I want to aim for 30k hp by 200, I should carry on wearing INT gear as I level up till 200? Nothing changes other than me not taking out of mp and adding to hp until later on near 200 right?
I washed my hero to ~28k so he can naturally grow to 30k by ~lv180ish. Even if you have enough for washing to 30k, carrying int is always a good idea, since the extra mp can come in handy as well.