Hi there, sorry in advance for this presumptive request, I just thought I'd ask. I'd been away from Royals for 2 years, and the memories of the Christmas event brought me back this year. I came back in mid-December, so when I saw the Advent calendar I started immediately, figuring I could do it for the 20 days' minimum before the event ends in mid January. I didn't miss a day since starting. Imagine my disappointment Christmas day when I went to do the Advent calendar quest and found it ended on Dec 25 despite the event continuing another 3 weeks! I know the answer is probably no, but, is there any chance you would allow an extension to the quest given the circumstances, on an exception basis? I'm desperately in need of more levelling, and knowing it will take me much, much longer than expected with the coupon is depressing. Thanks in advance for your consideration!
PS, though my forum profile doesn't show the upgrade for some reason, I am a donor, in case that in any way influences your decision!
Had pretty much the same issue Thought it ran until mid january so was waiting on finishing until I could actually play more. Wish they were clearer about when the advent event ended but oh well
Well I don't blame it on the GMs in any way, it's my fault for returning late, it's just that being away I had no idea I was late! But to think if after ~100 weeks away, if I had returned 1 week earlier my levelling would be so much less time consuming... That sucks, so I thought I would at least ask. I no longer know who the GMs are--I saw a post about a lot of turnover--so I probably haven't even tagged the right people.
Fuuuuuuu, this happened to me too. It's painful seeing everyone so excited about the coupon while I'm sitting awkwardly, thinking, "sucks that I came back a day late" People 10+ levels above are leveling faster than us. I wonder if this would be better off in the suggestions tab btw.