I am confused on ap washing for Corsair. The Consensus leads to believe that 200 int is needed to wash; is that base int alone? INT EQS? or a combination of both? some people say that you need 200 int base with the additional int Eqs; why? Why is 200 int needed and not 50 ? I ask this because, you can only reset 5 points per level and you get 1 point of mp per 10 int( if i understand correctly) if you need 200 base int does that mean: you spend the first 40 levels allocating point to only int? I haven't made a corsair yet, but i want to start bossing. thanks for the Input
Sair washing is quite bad, each wash costs you 16 MP and gives 20 HP. This is the a worse HP/MP ratio than archers/thieves and will need you to have a lot of INT to get all of that excess MP. You will probably need like 300 total int (with like 200 base)+ a bit of mp washing if you want to get at least 12-13k HP, simply because of the huge mp costs. Think about it like that, an unwashed sair, even with the HP quest done and some HP items would only have something like 7k HP, and if you wanted to get 12k (at around lvl 140-150 or so) you'd need 5k more HP. 5k more hp will need 250 HP washes which will cost you 4000 MP (250X16). To get 4000 MP you'd need some serious amounts of INT, if you had only 50 INT for 100 levels you'd only get 500 MP (cause you'd get 5 MP per lvl) If you had 300 total int though, you could get like 3000-3500 MP just from leveling with int, and you could fill the rest with a bit of MP washing
I'm currently washing my sair to 30k HP and use 350 int total + I do put point into MP because it gives you +40 MP per point, then use the ap reset and it only takes 16 mp. Washing corsairs is really really painful.
From my experience, I have 200 base int and 80 int from gear. I reset base int at level 125 to start Big Foot and Female Boss. Now my sair has 12k8 HP at level 181 and still has a lot of spare MP points So yeah it depends on your bossing goal, I only wash to HT and shaolin without HB so my goal is just 12k.