Character Name: Shoxie Last thing you did: Hosting a zakum run with a full party of attackers including SE and SI while using Crystallized Pineapple Chews on Zakum Body 2. The party members were BaNaNa99, Spectrums, CorgiDog, Ukelele, and P3dophilia Why do you think you got banned?: Lag causing damage to stack up and damage was sent in one packet, triggering the autoban for high damage. Ban message when attempting to log in: Your account has been permanently banned for serious violation of the rules. Therefore you will be unable to use this account. Details: Autoban Shoxie: High damage 49565 on Zakum2 What GM banned you (optional): N/A because of Autoban
Unbanned since that damage is not unreasonable for a decent NL. The lag doesnt cause damage to stack up and render it as one number that is send to the server though.
I'd assumed that it was based on one star out of TT but if it is total damage from all six stars then that isn't unreasonable at all. Thanks, Tim!