Hello B> 17 att shoes (sock/facestompers/VL shoes) Offering 16 att FS (CSS-able to 16/1!!) + topup 16FS + 9b coin for 17 att 16 FS + 19b coin for 18 att can also do 16 FS + bcoin/cs/ws mix if you prefer that instead Valuing CS/WS at 500/480m (EDITED 1/19/2023)
bump can also trade in 13/2 VL shoe if interested: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-13-2-vl-shoe-s-b-20b-a-w-24b.225918/ Still looking for 17-19 att shoes (preferably 19 now!)
bumpo looking for 18 att shoes too now I'll have extra funds once i sell my spec goggles. If interested LMK and we can workout a deal. B> 16FS + 9b topup for 17 att shoe 16FS + 19b topup for 18 att shoe