Open B> Summer Event Pots/Consumables

Discussion in 'Buying' started by ChickenMan, Aug 30, 2023.

  1. ChickenMan

    ChickenMan Active Member

    Jun 30, 2023
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    Tired of consumables from coolers filling your inventory?

    At Los Pollos Hermanos, we pride ourselves in recycling food that you don't want. In fact, we pay you to take it.

    Below are some of our offers:

    Royal Cola / Chocolate Popsicle: 200,000
    Bubble Gum / Bubble Tea: 100,000
    Coconut Drink / Slimecream Cone: 4,000
    Hydration Flask : 3,000
    Red Bean Sundae: 2,000
    Ice Cream Pop: 1,000

    We thank you for your patronage, and hope to see you in our restaurant soon!

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