character : ThingTwo last thing i did : i was afk bought leech from someone on my pirate why you think you got banned : few hours before i did i bought large amount of items from fm to save on my mules cause i noticed prices increase wanted to enjoy that maybe that triggers something supsicious which i was not aware too but thats what my friends told me that its red lights , did a lot of chaosing scrolls on facestommpers , stormcasters , smegaed what i made , made some godlies bann message : This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection.
you're permanently banned for rwt solicitation. and i honestly don't think there's anything you can say or do to take this appeal further
You guys assume things too fast i never needed to buy everything i made enough profit from my own things i played for over 3 monthes and made enough , my friend quit and gave me his account i dont see how its rwt , so you cant gift items once you quit ? I even opened a mule for him incase he ever return , i can give you his account info id pass pic and you can see for yourself i can show you chats of how i tried to convince hin to stay and whatever you guys need in known in this game for being a guy who makes decent amount of mesos didnt need to rwr ever ..
I spent so much on my accounts was nice to community always gave away stuffs would never ruin the game as im a nostalgic player please lift my ban and let me prove my inocence
we don’t have to assume anything because we know exactly what you were intending to do with your funds that being said, you’ll remain permanently banned for account sharing as well there is nothing else to discuss here; your appeal is denied and i hope you find nostalgia elsewhere
He quit and doesnt want to play he played for few years now he has responsbilities why cant he give it to me im his friend in real life i dont understand why you consider it account sharing
Please do not report these- you broke the rules, you account shared, Josh VERY CLEARLY quoted the bits that are relevant. The issue isn't that you wanted to merch, the issue is you logged onto someone elses account and took their items. If your friend quit and wanted to give you the items, he should have logged on. You gained a massive advantage by 'sharing', tho could be called stealing- which is why it's perm- per the list #4.